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Specialized as a frigate-class drone carrier, the Ishkur carries less in the way of firepower than most other Gallente gunboats. With a fully stocked complement of drones and a skilled pilot, however, no one should make the mistake of thinking this vessel easy prey.
Developer: CreoDron
As the largest drone developer and manufacturer in space, CreoDron has a vested interest in drone carriers. While sacrificing relatively little in the way of defensive capability, the Ishkur can chew its way through surprisingly strong opponents - provided, of course, that the pilot uses top-of-the-line CreoDron drones.
The Ishkur is currently one of the only Assault Ships worth flying (the other being the Jaguar). Like the Jaguar, the Ishkur is a solid small-gang and solo PvP platform.
With Assault Ships V, the Ishkur is one of two frigates which can carry two full racks of light drones (the other being the overpriced Worm). It's pretty awesome. It also looks kinda like a Narwhal, to which everyone knows The Narwhal Bacons at Midnight.
Gallente Frigate Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
Assault Frigates Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):
Role Bonus:
[Ishkur, 15.4k EHP 234 DPS] 400mm Reinforced Steel Plates II Micro Auxiliary Power Core II Armor Explosive Hardener II Internal Force Field Array I Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I Light Electron Blaster II, Void S Light Electron Blaster II, Void S Light Ion Blaster II, Void S [empty high slot] Small Trimark Armor Pump I Small Trimark Armor Pump I Hobgoblin II x5