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The Impairor is a common and versatile Frigate provided to all Amarrian pilots free of charge. Often called a rookie ship since its lack of complexity makes it amazing simple for even the freshest of pod pilots to familiarize themselves with the concept of starship piloting. Its cheap construction, crew-less requirement, modest utility, and old technology make it freely available.

Bonuses 20% bonus to Small Energy Turret capacitor use 10% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage 15% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness 10% bonus to armor resistances


<EFT> [Impairor, Cyno IV]

Expanded Cargohold I [Empty Low slot]

[Empty Med slot] [Empty Med slot]

Cynosural Field Generator I [Empty High slot]

300x Liquid Ozone </EFT>

<EFT> [Impairor, Cyno V]

[Empty Low slot] [Empty Low slot]

[Empty Med slot] [Empty Med slot]

Cynosural Field Generator I [Empty High slot]

250x Liquid Ozone </EFT>

eve/ships/frigates/impairor.1488680868.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/05 02:27 by conscript