This is an old revision of the document!
Originally owned by Band of Brothers and their horrible pets, and GoonSwarm (before that alliance got taken over & turned evil, it's now Goonswarm Federation) after that, Delve was controlled by IT Alliance til their collapse after which most of Delve was either a shell of empty IT stations or for a short time controlled by Pandemic Legion which many believe only took the systems to sell them off at a later time. C0NVICTED & Gentlemen's Agreement worked very hard in taking the constellations closest to Fountain in the months after Test took Fountain. NJU-QV, O-EIMK, SPNZ-Z, & B4H-9W Constellations are blue at the moment outside of that the systems are either Blood Raider NPC space or an assortment of Neutral Alliance systems including Nulli Secunda, HUN Reloaded, RED. Overlord, ROL.Citizens, Cascade Imminent, Cascade Associates, Chaos Theory Alliance, Omega Vector, BricK sQuAD. & B O R G
During the Delve 2012 campaign, the entire CFC (Goonswarm Federation, GENTS, FA, RAZOR, etc.) and the Honeybadger Coalition (Pandemic Legion, Test, 99%, and TASHA) decended on Delve to conquer the region. The opposing force has coined itself as “SoCo” (Nulli Secunda/Tertius/Citizens, Against All Authorities, Red Alliance, En Garde, and other alliances). After numerous crippling defeats the SoCo alliances fragmented and moved out of the region, with Nulli heading north and into faction warfare and AAA returning home.
During the summer of 2013 Goons and the rest of the CFC lanched a fullscale invasion of Fountain and Delve. The space now belongs to them.