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eve:pvp:solo_pvp [2017/02/18 16:48]
conscript [In-depth look at the Ship Meta]
eve:pvp:solo_pvp [2017/02/18 16:49] (current)
conscript [Brawlers VS Brawlers / Scram-kiters vs Scram-kiters]
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 ====Brawlers VS Brawlers / Scram-kiters vs Scram-kiters==== ====Brawlers VS Brawlers / Scram-kiters vs Scram-kiters====
 These are the only match ups where speed will not be as relevant to actually win the fight, although the fastest ship may still be able to disengage and run away if he realizes he’s losing. In this case the pure damage*EHP ratio will generally win fights. Therefore the most important thing will be to have a good fit, the second most important thing will be to overheat your modules, and the third most important thing will be damage and tanking skills. These are the only match ups where speed will not be as relevant to actually win the fight, although the fastest ship may still be able to disengage and run away if he realizes he’s losing. In this case the pure damage*EHP ratio will generally win fights. Therefore the most important thing will be to have a good fit, the second most important thing will be to overheat your modules, and the third most important thing will be damage and tanking skills.
 +====Meta-breaking fits in scram-range====
 +There are a few fits that are not going to fit into the calculations above, these can be considered as “meta-breakers"​.
 +===Dual Web Ships===
 +They will be able to completely control range. A dual-web brawler will catch-up to its target quickly and a dual web scram-kiter will be able to exit the range of a brawler in seconds; this makes the initial engagement range largely irrelevant and is great to invade a plex for example.\\ ​
 +The drawback is that you are using one of your mid slots for range control instead of using it for Tanking, which means you are going to be better at countering other types of fits but will struggle more when engaging the same type of ships. A dual web Artillery firetail for example might very well lose to a beam tormentor or a rail incursus in a pure DPS race. Viable dual web turret based frigs include the Firetail, the Merlin and the Slasher.\\ ​
 +Dual web rocket ships are a special case, the dual web Hookbill is very popular but the dual Breacher and Kestrel are also viable dual web frigates. Rockets do not need to track which means you can play as both a scram-kiter and a brawler. You’ll be able fight brawlers by keeping them at the edge of the scram range and you’ll be able to fight scram-kiters by orbiting them at 0 and mitigate some of their DPS.
 +===Tracking Disruptors===
 +This module has two uses: the first, is to decrease your enemy’s optimal and falloff range by half which allows you to basically scram-kite other scram-kiter. The crucifier navy issue is designed around this idea. This might also allow the autocannon TD Slasher which is theoretically a Brawler to scram kite other brawlers. The second use of the TD is to reduce your opponent’s tracking; this is mostly useful against bad brawlers who do not have a web, or generally people with less range control modules than you. The hookbill for example may fit two webs on top of a TD which allows him to get under the guns of other scram kiters by orbiting them at 0.
 +Having a neut or several neuts on a brawler may completely break the DPS race mechanics by turning the opponent’s guns off. This allows the Slasher or the neut Tristan to beat ships that rely heavily on capacitor for their damage and their tank, SAAR hybrid and SAAR laser ships are very popular in the current lowsec meta which makes neuts very powerful.
 +===Dual Repair Modules ("Dual Rep"​)===
 +These are pretty popular ships that rely on a simple gimmick: sacrificing all range control in order to have as big of a tank as possible and win thanks to pure DPS/EHP ratio, this is basically the opposite to a dual web ship. The big difference is that you can’t run away from a dual web ship that counters you, but you can always run away from a dual rep frigate that counters you. Dual rep ships therefore often rely on opponents not attempting to escape until it is too late.\\ ​
 +The Dual Rep Incursus is the most popular fit of this type but the dual MASB Breacher exists too. In order to effectively engage these gimmicky ships you need to stay out of their range and poke them until your opponent runs out of cap booster charges and is unable to maintain its repar modules. If you don’t have the means to poke it without getting hit then you should simply leave and go somewhere else.
 +=====Solo PvP Beyond Frigates=====
 +Now that you understand how solo mechanics work for small ships, it is relatively straightforward to apply this to larger ships as well.
 +First of all there’s no “scram kiting” a cruiser. The short range variations of medium and heavy guns always hit far enough to work anywhere inside scram-range. Therefore there are only Brawlers and Kiters. A second thing when considering soloing as a cruiser and above is that you must always be able to fight smaller stuff than you. If frigates can easily get under your guns, you are going to get killed repeatedly. This is a huge constraint and it dramatically restrains the range of fits you can use solo as there aren’t that many tools for fighting small ships as a big ship
 +There are very few ships that apply well to frigates outside of scram range and Rapid light missile launchers ships are the undisputed king. The Orthrus is the best at it, but the other RLML cruisers are viable solo ships too: Caracal, Scythe Fleet Issue, Osprey Navy Issue. These are all fast ships that can find good success kiting Frigates and Cruisers alike. Other very specific ships like the scorch Omen Navy Issue or the Phantasm might also be successful as solo kiting ships as their bonuses allow them to apply their damage to small ships relatively well.
 +It is always an option to brawl as a Cruiser vs frigates, destroyers and even T3 destroyers. You’ll mainly rely on Medium Neuts and Webs to fight smaller stuff in scram range but be always be careful, as a brawling cruiser you’re an ideal target for kiting ships.\\ ​
 +A duel between two brawling Cruisers will usually be decided by pure DPS/TANK ratio. Fights might last a while so killing enemy drones and managing capacitor can be critical. Big active tanks will only be good as long as they are not overly capacitor intensive.\\ ​
 +Contrarily to solo kiting, solo Brawling is viable with big ships too, in this case you’ll probably only get to fight several people at once, the general philosophy behind it is that if you can Perma-Tank entire gangs of enemy with a huge active tank and annihilate everything that gets into your scram range, then you’ll be free to MJD away whenever you wish to disengage. The few critical modules to do that are armor repairers/​shield boosters and drugs for active tanking.\\ ​
 +For offense you’ll often want to use Neuts (a medium Neut can instantly empty the cap of a frig from 10km away, a heavy neut from 30km away), Webs, and Target Ppainters. You’ll generally want the highest tracking guns as possible. Afterburners and oversized afterburners are good things to have if you can as they’ll help with the tracking too.
eve/pvp/solo_pvp.1487436502.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/18 16:48 by conscript