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NPC Standing

You have standing with NPC corporations. This is what determines which agents will talk to you - see Missioning. It also affects how much the NPC corporation charges you for the use of its station services (eg refining taxes and market taxes). It also determines whether the corporation will allow you to create a jump clone at one of their stations.

You also have standing with NPC factions. If your faction standing is too low, the police will come gunning for you if you enter the factions space.

Grinding NPC standing

How do I grind up my standing with corp X.

The simple answer

Find an agent that belongs to corp X that will talk to you. Run missions for this agent until a better ones becomes available. Move to the better agent and run missions for him until an even better one becomes available. Repeat until you have the required standing.

The complicated answer

There are a few tricks that can make your standings grind slightly more efficient.

  • Move agents when a better agent becomes available. When you start working for an agent, decide immediately who your next agent is going to be. Check how much standing you need for the next agent. When the next agent becomes available move to him and decide who the next agent after him will be.
  • Storyline missions. Storyline missions come along after every 16 normal missions. A storyline mission gives you standing with the faction and 'a lot of standing with corp that the storyline agent belongs to'. Usually equivalent to 3 or 4 normal missions.

Exploiting the storyline missions to raise your standing with the NPC corp you are grinding for can make a huge difference, especially at lower levels.

Lets say you are griding standing with the Federation Navy NPC corp. You are running missions for your chosen Federation Navy agent. Federation Navy belongs to the Gallente Faction. When you qualify for a storyline mission (by completing your 16th normal mission) you will get a storyline mission with the closest storyline agent associated with the Gallente Faction. The closest storyline agent might not be a Federation Navy agent, he could be an agent of any corporation that is part of the Gallente Faction. When you complete the storyline mission you will get standing with the Gallente Faction and with the corp that the storyline agent belonged to.

So how do you take advantage of this? You need to make sure that the storyline agent that is chosen for you belongs to the corporation you are trying to grind for.

Spend some time on and find where the Gallente Faction storyline agents are. Specifically where are the Gallente Faction storyline agents that belong to the Federation Navy (which is the corp you are grinding for in this example). These are the storyline agents that you want to get your storyline mission from because when you handin with them you will get Gallente Faction standing 'and Federation Navy standing'. Ideally you want to find a Federation Navy storyline agent that is in the same station as another normal Federation Navy agent. Now go run 15 missions for your current selected Federation Navy agent - just like normal - but then come do the 16th mission for the agent that is co-habiting with the storyline agent. when you hand in your 16th mission, the closest storyline agent is selected, and viola it just happens to be a Federation Navy storyline agent.

A couple of useful UI nuggets

In your char sheet, on the standings tab, right click the standing you are grinding and show transactions. The storyline missions usually stand out from the rest - either because they have a recognisable name, or the standings gain is larger than normal. This can help with keeping track of how many missions you done so that you know which is the 16th one.

When trying to chose an agent to work for, open up the corp info screen and switch to the agents tab. Press F10 and switch to the massive starmap. For any agent that looks promising, right click and set destination. The flashy route thing on the map will give you an idea of where this agent is. This allows you to see which agents are near low/null sec. You usually want to avoid agents in or near low/null sec when grinding standing.

A post on how to gain standings as quickly as possible.

eve/pve/npc_standing.1466819001.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/25 01:43 by conscript