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Base Haver's Printable Wall Map

You should always be aware of your surroundings when flying spaceships. Whether you're scouting for your fleet, reading the intel channel or just plain lost, it helps to have a map handy for a quick reference. Dotlan has a decent map that includes Wicked Creek, Scalding Pass, Insmother & Detroid but it doesn't print very well at all. You'll have to keep it open in your browser at all times if you want to use that thing.

If you've got an empty 3.5' by 2' space on your wall near your computer you may as well throw a map up there. This printable map has been formatted to accommodate the standard 8.5“ x 11” page size of most printers. The colors are calibrated for CMYK laser printers, though it should look fine if you're using an inkjet printer. The spacing between systems is done in a way that is conducive to writing notes and adding lines for jump bridges. The relative position between systems more accurately reflects the actual position of the system in space, so you'll have a better idea of how far another system really is when you're dealing with capital jump ranges.

The File


  • right click > save link as > open it on your computer with adobe reader


The .pdf is 18 pages long, but only pages 1-9 are needed to map out all of Wicked Creek and most of its surrounding regions. Pages 10-13 add the rest of those regions as well as Tenerifis & Catch. Page 14 & 15 add Providence & the rest of Catch. Pages 16-18 add Omist, Feythabolis & Impass.

  1. In your printer settings, set the quality as high as possible.
  2. Ensure that “fit to page” is selected.
  3. In the “pages” or “print range” field, enter the extent you want your map to go to. 1-9 is recommended.
  4. Ensure that “Auto portrait/landscape” is selected. If no such option exists then you'll have to orient them manually as you go through the process.

Keep the pages in an orderly stack. Your printer will have created white bars all around each page of the map since it can't print all the way to the edge, so you may want to cut those in a way that allows you to overlap each page so the gates & borders line up. It sucks if you don't have a paper chopper, but you should only have to do this once.

Tape/glue/staple the pages together as shown and throw that shit on your wall as shown.


Are you using the latest version? It'll be easier to make notes on your map with a pen than to re-print the whole thing.

Apr/26/2015: 1.00

Error Reporting

This map probably has a few mistakes, it happens. Perhaps a system security status is incorrect or a constellation gate was left out. If you see a mistake then please add a line on at the bottom of this section in the one of the following formats:

[Missing Gate/Extra Gate XXXXX <> XXXXX]

[Missing Outpost/Wrong Outpost XXXXX, should be X]

[Incorrect Security Status XXXXX, should be -0.X]

[Incorrect System Name XXXXX, should be X]

You get the idea, just drop the notice right here below this line

eve/maps/printable.1430087834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/26 22:37 by Hikury