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Faction Warfare: The Cost Of Hubris

This Guide assumes you are using a Stealth Bomber fit for Level 4 Faction Warfare missions. See a suggested fits in the Warfare Guide.

Target: Commander

Difficulty: Moderate


Upon warp in immediately cloak your ship.

You will see a Caldari Navy fleet fighting a Gallente Fleet and the Caldari are losing. After a little time you will get a message in local saying “Im going down….. It's up to you now to take care of the Commander” at this point all of the Caldari ships and most of the Gallente ships are dead except for a commander and a small support fleet.

While the two fleets are fighting start moving cloaked slightly left and down so that you can get behind your target the Commander. When you are at least 45km behind the Commander align out, decloak and start shooting the Commander. Several waves of support ships will spawn between the warp in and the structure. However the Commander is the fastest rat on field so you can pull him away from the support fleet if you start behind the Commander relative to the warp in point.

Ideally when you align out you are pointing yourself in a useful direction taking into account where the rats spawn, you will have to use your best judgement on how to move here.

eve/faction_warfare/mission/the_cost_of_hubris.1486227412.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/04 16:56 by conscript