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TEST Culture

Perhaps the most remarkable qualities of Test Alliance Please Ignore is it's rich and vibrant culture. Five years of history, scores of shitposters and an enthusiastic team of propaganda artists have kept TEST in the spotlight even at times when the alliance was struggling to remain relevant as a military power.

The Spirit of Test

Like any alliance, Test is home to a wide range of personalities, so it is difficult to define exactly what it is that makes Test TEST. Bittervets, griefers, narcissists, idealists, turbonerds, bronies, trekkies, powergamers, casuals, artfags and microhitlers all call TEST home and shit up the forums day and night with their drivel.

Overall, TEST as a whole reflects the personality of the popular website that its largest corporation Dreddit recruits from. From the perspective of a normal person, the “TESTies” would appear intelligent (but naive), impulsive and crude (though rather humorous), loud, disrespectful, offensive and incredibly unhygienic. In other words, TEST makes an excellent home for your average EVE gamer.

Art & Propaganda

Since EVE Online is a bad game that is not very fun to play, quality alliances provide a steady stream of propaganda to motivate the membership and trick them into logging in to shoot POS. TEST is not a very welcoming place for the type of nerd who actually enjoys spending his free time watching an HP bar slowly tick down to 0, so they've had to dial the propaganda up to 11 to get their ADHD-infested drones to stomach the experience.


Test really only has one rule.

Don't be a dick.

Breaking this rule may result in trials of ordeal (which are generally bad for you and amusing for everyone else)


culture/start.1431722511.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/15 20:41 by notmo