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Samej Arkanus

Samej Arkanus was a member of the SHURK corp in Test Alliance Please Ignore. You may contact him ingame, or, if you so wish, by burning the carcass of a brown bear under a full moon at midnight and chanting the Ids-massaratu invocation from the Necronomicon(success not guaranteed).



Born in the Soviet Union in 1905, Samej Arkanus began a long life. It’s beginning marked by being the first person photographed in color in 1909. Samej fled the country sometime in the 20s and walked to Tibet where he lived with the monks. In the twenty years he was with them, he learned a number of things: how to cease aging and do binary math among many. Having attained an infinite life he decided to go back to his mother country in search of something keep him busy in his infinite future. In the 1940s he worked on the Russian space team, and built, by hand, Sputnik 1. After it’s launch he got into early computing. Samej instantly saw the future in personal computing, knowing deep down that we are all connected and would spend his time to prove it to everyone. To this end he invented radio waves, and told Gamma Rays to knock it off until they were properly discovered some years later. Ages ahead of its time, Samej invented Faster-than-light travel using a spoon and a Tesla coil, but locked it away in a secret underground network of caves built under a Turkish monkey farm after seeing the Soviet schemes that were being hatched with it. Seeing no future in his country he abandoned it in 1990, heading to the US, which caused the eventual collapse of the USSR.

In his time in the U.S., Samej helped program and integrate the HAL9000 supercomputer, beat Deep Blue in 4 consecutive games of chess and aided Neil Armstrong in the landing of the Eagle Lander on the Moon. Alas, Samej's contributions to science were put on the back burner after he helped secretly co-write the 1st Edition to Dungeons & Dragons. Seeing a new creative outlet for his mind, he penned every subseqeuent edition of D&D up to 3.5, as well as countless Adventure Modules like Tomb of Horrors, and made millions of dollars in the process. Using his funds, he built an underwater Sealab in the Mariana trench where he secluded himself from the world for thousands of years. Emerging the day before the opening of the Eve Gate, he was encased within a strange pod of some sort that enhanced his already now potent powers of telekinesis. After entering the galaxy of New Eden, Samej went into a peculiar form of sleep-meditation, promising to return and guide humanity with a new age of pen and paper role-playing games and supercomputers that are terrible at chess. It seems that that time has come.

culture/players/samej_arkanus.1547747698.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/17 17:54 by Theoriginalamam