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My name is rob3r in game and leodavinci on Reddit. rob3r is pronounced “robber”. My real life name is Rob, and rob3r is a terrible use of leetspeak, for that I apologize. My handle used to be Napoleon578, so I might be slowly getting less retarded.

Like all the directorate, I hate logging in.

In Eve

I'm a scrub shadow director that doesn't really have any responsibilities any more but people still listen to me when I yell enough. I used to be the Head Diplo for Test and was a terrible CEO for about 6 weeks until Montolio decided to start playing again.

Oooops, I'm head diplo again.

In the real world

I live in the Detroit Metro area and work in enterprise hosting as a IT Engineer.


23:04:04 <silwarnaiilo> OH WAIT. My uncle has a cabin on the Little Miami river.. we're back in Cinci, but there's absolutely no chance anyone would say “no”, because we're cool like that, and you can just pitch a tent and spend the night.
23:04:21 <tezsaurus> i do NOT want to spend a night in a tent with any of you.
23:04:46 <rob3r> I do cry when I fap, so keep that in mind

16:06:31 <rob3r> I don't hate the people I work with, well, there is one guy, but his dad had a stroke, score for me :)

culture/players/rober.1487954019.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/24 16:33 by conscript