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Chat one

Montolio > Were you looking for me?
Deagol1 > o/
Deagol1 > ya can you talk with DurrHurrDurr
Deagol1 > hes in our local causing shit
Montolio > Whats he doing?
Deagol1 > going on about own isk and reimbersment
Montolio > Is it true?
Deagol1 > lol
Deagol1 > no
Deagol1 > thats why i am chatting with you
Montolio > TEST today discovered that OWN had 6 tech moons 1 neo moon charges 100mil/mo for an office and a corp of 50 pays 250 mil / mo in fees
Montolio > And that apparently you only reimburse logistics and interdictors
Montolio > If thats not the case, I can let people know
Deagol1 > we ahve been with tcf and around for many years
Deagol1 > you hvae been here 5 months
Deagol1 > we earned what we have
Deagol1 > and we spend anythign we make on the alliance
Deagol1 > even though this is none of your business
Montolio > I never said you didn't, but what is that ISK being spent on, if you don't mind answering for my curiosity?
Montolio >
Montolio > Thats all of TEST finances
Montolio > What we take in, what we spend, etc..
Deagol1 > you think its your business to tell other blues how to run there alliances?
Montolio > Not exactly, no
Deagol1 > you do that in real life?
Deagol1 > well…
Montolio > But if you aren't going to reimburse your pilots we are going to try to do it for you
Deagol1 > did you send the troll to own space?
Montolio > No, but we are discussing setting up a reimbursement fund based on donations for OWN pilots during fleet ops
Montolio > He probably got curious due to that discussion and went over to check it out
Deagol1 > lol cool thnx
Deagol1 > every little bit helps
Montolio > np m8
Montolio > We aren't all pyramid schemes
Montolio > :P
Deagol1 > re read the part above about our history and yours
Deagol1 >
Montolio > Its incredible that you can trick 1500 people into lining your pockets to be honest
Montolio > I wish my members were as gullable
Deagol1 > ?
Deagol1 > no one in own leadership is rich
Montolio > You make 25b + in moon profits alone
Deagol1 > as i said we ahve re spent all isk made on the alliance
Deagol1 > you can chgoose to not believe that
Deagol1 > i don't really care
Deagol1 > we have built 2 stations since we got the moons
Deagol1 > we have upgraded all our systems
Deagol1 > we have full logi and dic reimberse
Deagol1 > we also reimberse half caps
Montolio > We reimburse everything, have built a station, and have almost fully upgraded double the number of systems with less then half the moons or fees
Deagol1 > and regularly give shipa nd isk to pilots who are vvery active
Montolio > Just saying.
Deagol1 > our open is only for the couple typs to promote people to get in them
Montolio > “our open” ?
Deagol1 > add up the stations and the upgrades
Deagol1 > open reiembersment
Montolio > With your income levels you should be able to build a station every month
Deagol1 > we do others also but its not open to all\
Deagol1 > just the most active pilots
Montolio > A station is what, 20b?
Deagol1 > we had a corp that was very loayal too us and we gave them a mon for many months
Deagol1 > we have done that with a cou0ple corps
Montolio > So all the money is funneled to an upper class?
Deagol1 > lol i have 1.6 billion in my wallet
Deagol1 > i am far from rich
Deagol1 > and i am leader
Deagol1 > red also is not rich
Deagol1 > also putting up towers to get thigns going is not cheap
Deagol1 > we haven't had these moons for a long time really
Montolio > You said it yourself, you've been here for months
Deagol1 > we worked our ass's off and finallly we go somethign for it
Deagol1 > we have been with tcf for many years
Montolio > I can't fathom how you guys don't have a massive supercarrier fleet or something with that much income
Montolio > I don't think I have even seen an OWN supercarrier
Deagol1 > we only got the moons 6 or 7 months ago
Deagol1 > lol dude we have been running with the nc
Montolio > So you've made something between 125-150b in the last 6 months
Montolio > Where the fuck did all that go?
Deagol1 > we never ran in any dek coalition
Deagol1 > you need to join nc flets to see us
Deagol1 > read above
Montolio > That it went to the top corps?
Deagol1 > the alliance didn't control all m,oons
Montolio > Either way, its impressive that you can have that much ISK but such a narrow reimbursement policy
Deagol1 > ?
Deagol1 > lol dude we have over 75 billion in station and upgrades
Deagol1 > there was bnothign here when we got here
Deagol1 > and we were broke
Deagol1 > all since we got the moons has gone to upgradeing systems putting up stations reiembersment as much as we can and getting the moons running
Montolio > Okay, so 125b - 75b
Deagol1 > no one is rich thats a fact
Deagol1 > do the math
Montolio > So that leaves fifty billion left over
Deagol1 > no\
Deagol1 > your assuming all moons were fully upgraded the entire time
Deagol1 > because people want everythign at once we could't have them all doing tht for a long time
Deagol1 > your numbers are off
Deagol1 > if all the po's needed for complex reactions arn't upo you don't make all isk
Deagol1 > and thats a lot of cost
Deagol1 > people wanted the station and upgrades all at once
Montolio > Thats not counting reactions
Montolio > That base tech prices
Montolio > Thats*
Deagol1 > no base is like 2.5 maybe 3 on a good day per tech
Montolio > And you have 6 tech
Deagol1 > aye 15 a month or so
Deagol1 > we have spent over 75 billion
Deagol1 > not including reiembersment
Deagol1 > we also do caps reiemberse
Deagol1 > and ome of our corps have had control of the moons
Montolio > Where are you getting 15/mo?
Deagol1 > so we never made for the alliance anythign near 125 billion
Montolio > Tech is currently around 4b/mo
Montolio > at least afaik
Deagol1 > 2.5 billion times 6 moons
Deagol1 > if not all upgrades
Deagol1 > a basew tech makes 4 billion?
Montolio > yes, I believe so
Deagol1 > no our numbers are and have allways been 2.5 to 3 bill none complex
Deagol1 > 4 to 4.5 with complex
Montolio > You are terrible with moons or someone is skimming then
Deagol1 > lol dude
Montolio > Raw tech is 4b close to 5b a month right now
Montolio > without reactions
Montolio > When we moved in tech was about 3b / mo raw
Montolio > it hasn't been 2.5b for a long time
Deagol1 > 72k units times 17k = 1.2 billion
Deagol1 > you get 72k units a month and thats what they go for
Deagol1 > 2.5 sorry
Montolio > sec
Montolio > Let me dig up our spreadsheet
Montolio >
Montolio > Can you view that?
Montolio > Thats a few months old
Montolio > July 30th wa the last time that was updated
Montolio > and prices have done nothing but go up
Deagol1 > how much per unit is that?
Montolio > 40k
Montolio > per unit its about 50-60k currently
Montolio > a tech moon is about 100 units per hour
Montolio > So thats lowend 3.6b unreacted
Montolio > *shrugs*
Montolio > Thats a lot of fucking money for you guys, especially with such limited reimbursements
Deagol1 > how much per piece was that sheet at?
Montolio > per unit?
Montolio > 40,142.00 ISK
Deagol1 > ya
Montolio > Current highest price in Jita is 60k for a buy order
Deagol1 > and low?
Montolio > well the lowest buy is obviously 0.01 heh
Deagol1 > your basing on it 40k per?
Montolio > We were in July
Montolio > The current low selling price is 61k/unit
Montolio > There is a buy order in Jita for 200k units @ 55,809
Montolio > Somebody is now telling me your stations were built with donation ISK?
Deagol1 > lol who is tlling you that?
Deagol1 > no
Montolio > Former own members
Montolio > “they had a big donation drive from their membership to fund the 2 stations”
Montolio > “they haven't paid the loans back yet”
Deagol1 > confirmed lier then
Deagol1 > lol that i not true
Deagol1 > is*
Montolio > Thats what people are telling me
Montolio > From the outside looking in, somebody is lining their pockets or you guys are grossly mismanaging your ISK
Deagol1 > well i am alliance leader and i am telling you they are liers
Montolio > Or you are building 3 titans and dont want to tell anyone
Deagol1 >
Deagol1 > you really shouldn't go around tellin alliance how they should run man thats seriously fucked up
Deagol1 > you been here a few months we been here years
Deagol1 > we earned what we have and we pour it back into the alliance
Montolio > So you deserve a little personal ISK right?
Montolio > For your history
Deagol1 > you don't belive that i don't really care
Deagol1 > no one in own has gotten rich
Deagol1 > period
Montolio > that you know of*
Deagol1 > i have 1.6 billion in my wallet
Montolio > I am a total fucking retard when it comes to moon shit and I still knew that base tech was 4-5b currently
Montolio > Your diplomat said you had outpost debts
Montolio > Jilozz did
Deagol1 > i wouold know i am leader me and Red
Deagol1 > did i or red?
Deagol1 > people can make mistakes
Montolio > So your saying not 1 ISK of donations or loans were used in making your stations?
Deagol1 > we had no donation drive
Deagol1 > if anyone has dontated randomly i'm sure thats happened
Montolio > Thats not what I have heard, but of course you are the alliance leader
Montolio > you would know
Montolio > 100 units per hour x 24 hours x 30 days = 72,000. 72,000 x 67,000 (current Jita sell price) = 4824000000, or 4.8 billion isk per month. Subtract whatever you pay for a month's POS fuel.
Montolio > This is the current Tech price math btw
Montolio > If you'd like I can have my industry guys generate some spreadsheets for you guys to use long term
Deagol1 > 1 sell order for 55k doesnt make it 67 current
Montolio > Lower it to 60 then
Deagol1 > either way we have been around years dude you don't think we should have stuff after years of service?
Montolio > I too would like a tech moon for personal income yes
Deagol1 > i don't have that
Montolio > Whats the retirement age? 6 months and then you get one?
Deagol1 > but after years i probbly should
Montolio > HAha
Montolio > Someone is rolling around in ISK over there
Montolio > We have less then half your moons and we have 30b in reserve
Montolio > I can only imagine what you guys are sitting on
Deagol1 > so you don't think an alliance should make ok isk after years of dedicated service to the cause?
Montolio > As far as I can see your alliance isn't
Montolio > A select group is
Deagol1 >
Deagol1 >
Deagol1 > we allways have been very active
Deagol1 > and we spend all our isk 0on the alliance
Deagol1 > i listed many things that we have to spend isk on and do and you seem to think were jsut pocketing it
Deagol1 > were not
Montolio > The things you list + your current policies don't even come close to accounting for the ISK your alliance -should- have
Deagol1 > lol dude
Deagol1 > we never controlled all moons
Deagol1 > we have spend many billions
Deagol1 > we are morons for not taking isk for ourselfs actuallly
Montolio > So you guys don't reimburse drakes? fleet bs? cruisers? hacs?
Deagol1 > after thi many years of bullshit we deserve it
Deagol1 > but we don't take it
Montolio > I've also heard that if TeRedrum wants to run an anom that you are in he will tell you to get out or be podded, true?
Deagol1 > as i told you we reiemberse other things all the time but only to very active pilots
Deagol1 > no that is not true
Montolio > So you have selective reimbursements for the elite upper class
Montolio > Who gives a shit about those plebs anyways
Deagol1 > dude you really listen to ex members on alliance policy?
Deagol1 > not jsut elite
Deagol1 > verya active\
Deagol1 > i don't give a shit if your 6 years old if your not active your useless
Montolio > Haha, okay.
Deagol1 > can you get this troll out of our system?
Montolio > He will probably be helping to administer our OWN reimbursement program
Montolio > we are still hashing out the details
Montolio > Should we require certain fits?
Deagol1 > your a dick
Deagol1 > i have explained
Montolio > Most of the time, yes.
Deagol1 > i see that heh
Montolio > you're* by the way
Deagol1 > k ty
Montolio > No problem
Montolio > My members always correct me
Deagol1 > cool
Montolio > They tend to be helpful when they aren't shafted constantly by the alliance leaders
Deagol1 > dude wtf
Montolio > Should it be called “TEST Alliance: Financial Aid Division” or “Test Alliance Humanitarian Aid, Please Ignore”
Deagol1 > so you condone DurrHurrDurr smacking own in local?
Montolio > Is it funny or true?
Deagol1 > it's complete bullshit and he has no clue
Montolio > I bet its funny at least sometimes
Deagol1 > i have explained it now to you though
Deagol1 > so…
Montolio > I mean he isn't always irritating
Deagol1 > yes he is
Deagol1 > him and rastino
Montolio > Rastino made me laugh once, I think it was some sort of dead baby joke if I recall
Montolio > Probably inappropriate
Deagol1 > rastino link stuck
Montolio > “link struck” ?
Deagol1 > aye i linked his name to check his history and now unless i enter it it won't go away
Montolio > He trolls you AND breaks your client
Montolio > Thats dedication
Deagol1 > heh try linke a name but not say it
Deagol1 > he keeps locking own why?
Montolio > Who?
Deagol1 > DurrHurrDurr
Montolio > Maybe he is trying to rep
Deagol1 > leaving station means you don't need rep normallly
Montolio > I dunno, you guys probably charge for repair services
Deagol1 > lol
Deagol1 > not sure if the NC will like an alliance that griefs other blues in local for no reason hmm…
Montolio > Probably not
Deagol1 > and your chat here says very clearly you support his actions
Deagol1 > and you are leader
Montolio > Somebody has to help your members
Montolio > They pay dues without reimbursements
Deagol1 > heh k i'm sure this will workout very well for you
Montolio > It will end hilariously I am sure!
Deagol1 > woot
Montolio >
Deagol1 > lol gw
Montolio >
Deagol1 > weee
Montolio > We are working on a video now I think
Deagol1 > nice
Montolio >
Montolio > program details will be up soon
Deagol1 > dues go to the top 5 pvp corps each month fyi
Deagol1 > kk
Montolio > “We aren't a pyramid scheme, promise!”
Deagol1 > such hate for a new alliance damn
Montolio > Haha
Deagol1 >
Montolio > I'll check back with you later m8 when we have more details, if you have approved fits you can forward them to me

Chat Two

Montolio >
Montolio > LOL
Deagol1 > lol newb
Montolio > We've anchored free water outside your station
Deagol1 > thnx man your swell
Montolio >
Montolio > new one btw
Deagol1 > now you sent a crew to grief us?
Montolio > Which? The badgers?
Deagol1 > rgr
Montolio > Thats the UN Aid Flotilla
Deagol1 > lol
Montolio > So now you are trying to censor the truth?
Montolio > Please block all test alliance if you see them in local.
They have decided to start grieving us. This is completely unprovoked.
We are dealing with this in private please block them until further notice.
Deagol1 > lol spying on your friends
Deagol1 > you guys are class
Deagol1 > and yes i did just send that ofcourse
Montolio > Your members are forwarding me this stuff
Deagol1 > heh
Montolio > So we factored your member dues into the estimated moon goo and office fees and are ballparking about 36.3b / month in alliance income before any sort of ratting or mission taxes and station fees
Deagol1 > lol do i care what you think?
Montolio > Do you?
Deagol1 > none of your business
Deagol1 > neg i do not
Montolio > Well I care what you think!
Deagol1 > heh k
Deagol1 > i think you need to pay yuor dues and earn more
Montolio > Your pay scale doesn't go up to 2500 though
Deagol1 > rather then cry for more like little children
Montolio > how much is that? like 750mil ?
Montolio > We just donated our first drake btw
Deagol1 > you need more moons then you could send us more
Deagol1 > havig fun yet?
Montolio > You mean you will take moons on our behalf? That would be nice of you
Deagol1 > tell you what give us one of your moons thenyou don't have to send us aid? Deagol1 > save you in logistics\\
Montolio > We are trying to help the people of OWN, not the brutal government that is withholding precious resources that the people \\desperately need Deagol1 > lol
Montolio > With the corruption in your administration focusing our resources at the top would accomplish nothing, what we need is a \\grassroots movement. Deagol1 > heh
Deagol1 > i think i found a name for your alliance man
Deagol1 > newbs
Montolio > Already taken
Deagol1 > you will leanr you have to earn stuff not cry for it
Deagol1 > learn*
Deagol1 > takes some time you will be ok
Deagol1 > this griefing locals plan might not be great though heh
Montolio > Its a terrible plan
Deagol1 > heh rgr
Montolio > You seem mad though
Deagol1 > we have done nothing
Deagol1 > this is alllllll you
Deagol1 > nothing wrong that is heh
Deagol1 > mad?
Montolio > Yeah
Deagol1 > heh you don't know he
Montolio > Why? Are you or are you not mad?
Deagol1 > no i am not mad
Deagol1 > newbs do dumb stuff nothign to get mad about
Montolio > True enough, its just that you seemed mad.
Montolio > You can let me know if you care, we can talk about it.
Deagol1 > when?
Deagol1 > show me?
Deagol1 > heh
Montolio > Well you did call us newbs
Montolio > That hurt my feelings
Deagol1 > thats fact man heh
Deagol1 > lol
Deagol1 > want me to start reposting our earlier chat?
Montolio > To where?
Deagol1 > to here
Deagol1 > to show where you were mean first many times?
Deagol1 > over and over?
Montolio > That seems like it would take a lot of effort
Deagol1 > not really
Montolio > What would that accomplish?
Deagol1 > Montolio > That hurt my feelings
Deagol1 > Deagol1 > to show where you were mean first many times?
Deagol1 > just making sure you understand who started all tis is all
Montolio >
Montolio >
Deagol1 > i don't read forums i hear they give you acne
Deagol1 > whats it say?
Montolio > Explaining what we are doing
Deagol1 > dude jsut needed one word hope you didn't use more and waste your time
Deagol1 > i kow you know what that word is
Deagol1 > know*
Montolio > masturbation?
Deagol1 > newb
Deagol1 > good try though
Montolio > I would prefer masturbation
Deagol1 > miss's the point though

culture/players/deagol1.1487955154.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/24 16:52 (external edit)