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The worst spy in TEST history. IT actually informed TEST that he was trying to sell them information.



He was that terrible.

In roughly chronological order:

————————————————————— Channel ID: -15501090
Channel Name: Private Chat (Artemis97)
Listener: Jebidus Skari
Session started: 2010.10.21 16:38:12
[ 2010.10.21 16:38:16 ] Artemis97 > o/
[ 2010.10.21 16:38:20 ] Jebidus Skari > hello mate
[ 2010.10.21 16:38:30 ] Artemis97 > How are you?
[ 2010.10.21 16:38:43 ] Jebidus Skari > yeah good thanks, you
[ 2010.10.21 16:38:48 ] Artemis97 > Not bad
[ 2010.10.21 16:38:55 ] Artemis97 > Your corp specializes in covert ops?
[ 2010.10.21 16:39:02 ] Jebidus Skari > we do recons, sbs etc
[ 2010.10.21 16:39:07 ] Jebidus Skari > but ofc others setups
[ 2010.10.21 16:39:22 ] Artemis97 > Do you have much experience with covert bridging?
[ 2010.10.21 16:41:05 ] Jebidus Skari > we dont do much Black Ops dude must ppl dont train, but recons/sbs we do
[ 2010.10.21 16:41:14 ] Artemis97 > Oh cool
[ 2010.10.21 16:41:39 ] Jebidus Skari > yo not like test then?
[ 2010.10.21 16:41:44 ] Jebidus Skari > nice area deklein
[ 2010.10.21 16:41:46 ] Artemis97 > Well I ask because we in the Deklein Coalition are looking to add more of those specialists near us. We're trying to grow a region-wide program
[ 2010.10.21 16:41:51 ] Jebidus Skari > owned it once wioth two allainces lol
[ 2010.10.21 16:42:03 ] Artemis97 > No no… I'm asking more if I could offer your alliance some space here
[ 2010.10.21 16:42:16 ] Artemis97 > OWN is on their way out and we're looking to bring in another bestie
[ 2010.10.21 16:42:47 ] Jebidus Skari > why you asking us?
[ 2010.10.21 16:42:56 ] Jebidus Skari > wiht resprect
[ 2010.10.21 16:42:59 ] Jebidus Skari > respect
[ 2010.10.21 16:43:17 ] Artemis97 > Cool guys, don't make too much hurf blurf about dumb
[ 2010.10.21 16:43:23 ] Jebidus Skari > can you get on voice?
[ 2010.10.21 16:43:26 ] Artemis97 > Established for a bit and active
[ 2010.10.21 16:43:33 ] Artemis97 > No not right now. I'm at work
[ 2010.10.21 16:43:42 ] Jebidus Skari > how do you know of us tho mate?
[ 2010.10.21 16:43:53 ] Jebidus Skari > i mean i been aorund abit but
[ 2010.10.21 16:43:54 ] Jebidus Skari > lol
[ 2010.10.21 16:44:01 ] Jebidus Skari > we in dek with goodfellas and tri
[ 2010.10.21 16:44:03 ] Artemis97 > We keep an eye on alliance in the south
[ 2010.10.21 16:44:09 ] Artemis97 > *alliances
[ 2010.10.21 16:44:35 ] Artemis97 > If we see something with promise, we offer them a move
[ 2010.10.21 16:44:37 ] Jebidus Skari > Hmm we havent done too much of notice lol
[ 2010.10.21 16:44:40 ] Artemis97 > OWN ofc, wasn't our idea
[ 2010.10.21 16:44:56 ] Jebidus Skari > well we are but nothing significant
[ 2010.10.21 16:45:07 ] Jebidus Skari > sorry always dubious been in eve along time
[ 2010.10.21 16:45:08 ] Jebidus Skari > lol
[ 2010.10.21 16:45:20 ] Jebidus Skari > so what are you offering?
[ 2010.10.21 16:45:31 ] Artemis97 > Space
[ 2010.10.21 16:45:33 ] Artemis97 > Moons
[ 2010.10.21 16:45:36 ] Artemis97 > etc etc
[ 2010.10.21 16:45:41 ] Artemis97 > If you're interested
[ 2010.10.21 16:45:46 ] Jebidus Skari > well interested
[ 2010.10.21 16:45:50 ] Jebidus Skari > if its geniune
[ 2010.10.21 16:46:07 ] Jebidus Skari > dek is likme my old home lol
[ 2010.10.21 16:46:23 ] Artemis97 > Well we can chat a bit about it and if we come to a mutual agreement
[ 2010.10.21 16:46:28 ] Jebidus Skari > sure
[ 2010.10.21 16:48:14 ] Jebidus Skari > so what space etc?
[ 2010.10.21 16:48:19 ] Jebidus Skari > is there a cost?
[ 2010.10.21 16:49:11 ] Artemis97 > Yes there is an initial cost but that's it
[ 2010.10.21 16:49:32 ] Jebidus Skari > cost of?
[ 2010.10.21 16:49:33 ] Artemis97 > Because we assist you in the transfer and supply all the ihubs, tcu's and upgrades
[ 2010.10.21 16:49:44 ] Jebidus Skari > and what space is it
[ 2010.10.21 16:50:05 ] Artemis97 > Stand by
[ 2010.10.21 16:50:43 ] Artemis97 >
[ 2010.10.21 16:50:51 ] Artemis97 > See that space in the middle where OWN lives?
[ 2010.10.21 16:50:54 ] Jebidus Skari > yeah i know deklein well
[ 2010.10.21 16:50:57 ] Artemis97 > You would get that
[ 2010.10.21 16:51:00 ] Jebidus Skari > lived there twice
[ 2010.10.21 16:51:07 ] Artemis97 > Two stations and you would get 2 tech moons
[ 2010.10.21 16:51:23 ] Artemis97 > Show up on ops and contribute and you can have full moon control of that pipe
[ 2010.10.21 16:51:51 ] Jebidus Skari > right so why havent you asked other nC alliances?
[ 2010.10.21 16:52:02 ] Jebidus Skari > and what is your role in test?
[ 2010.10.21 16:52:18 ] Artemis97 > Because we're not NC
[ 2010.10.21 16:52:31 ] Jebidus Skari > well i know but your part of the greater good
[ 2010.10.21 16:52:35 ] Jebidus Skari > whereis own going?
[ 2010.10.21 16:52:38 ] Artemis97 > I'm a Beta Commander within the alliance
[ 2010.10.21 16:52:47 ] Artemis97 > I'm also a low-level renting liason
[ 2010.10.21 16:52:57 ] Jebidus Skari > so lets get to numbes
[ 2010.10.21 16:52:59 ] Jebidus Skari > numbers
[ 2010.10.21 16:52:59 ] Artemis97 > My main role is Black Ops
[ 2010.10.21 16:53:03 ] Jebidus Skari > whats the cost
[ 2010.10.21 16:53:14 ] Artemis97 > That's why I was asking about your blops experience
[ 2010.10.21 16:53:19 ] Artemis97 > Ok down to numbers
[ 2010.10.21 16:53:47 ] Artemis97 > This is my initial proposal
[ 2010.10.21 16:54:11 ] Artemis97 > 700m for each of the systems + 1.2b for the two station systems
[ 2010.10.21 16:54:18 ] Artemis97 > Initial cost
[ 2010.10.21 16:55:00 ] Jebidus Skari > right go on…
[ 2010.10.21 16:55:00 ] Artemis97 > 15% of each month's tech goo goes to Goons, 10% to TEST
[ 2010.10.21 16:55:12 ] Artemis97 > Unreacted, pure goo
[ 2010.10.21 16:55:20 ] Artemis97 > Whatever's left over is yours
[ 2010.10.21 16:55:48 ] Jebidus Skari > so just the tech mins you mean
[ 2010.10.21 16:55:53 ] Artemis97 > c
[ 2010.10.21 16:56:05 ] Artemis97 > Everything else you can have
[ 2010.10.21 16:56:14 ] Jebidus Skari > hmm ook
[ 2010.10.21 16:56:23 ] Jebidus Skari > sounds interesting
[ 2010.10.21 16:56:26 ] Jebidus Skari > where are OWN going
[ 2010.10.21 16:56:26 ] Artemis97 > We will supply the tcus, ihubs and upgrades for your station systems
[ 2010.10.21 16:56:34 ] Artemis97 > DOn't know, don't care
[ 2010.10.21 16:56:48 ] Artemis97 > But they're leaving once we find a suitable replacement
[ 2010.10.21 16:57:05 ] Artemis97 > You will owe no rent
[ 2010.10.21 16:57:13 ] Artemis97 > You won't be a pet or a renter
[ 2010.10.21 16:57:31 ] Artemis97 > You will stand alongside Goons, TEST and the other DekCo members
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:03 ] Jebidus Skari > well if this is truly geniune then im interested
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:15 ] Jebidus Skari > but i need to speak to allaince directors/;eaders
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:17 ] Jebidus Skari > ;eaders
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:18 ] Artemis97 > It is
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:19 ] Jebidus Skari > leaders
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:21 ] Artemis97 > Of course
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:21 ] Jebidus Skari > etc
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:39 ] Jebidus Skari > becuase i was scammed by goons b4
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:43 ] Artemis97 > heh
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:45 ] Jebidus Skari > and aint gonna happen gaian
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:47 ] Artemis97 > I'm not goons
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:58 ] Jebidus Skari > well its all the same to me
[ 2010.10.21 16:58:59 ] Artemis97 > TEST doesn't run scams
[ 2010.10.21 16:59:07 ] Jebidus Skari > i heard they do
[ 2010.10.21 16:59:18 ] Artemis97 > I also heard that we're allies with IT
[ 2010.10.21 16:59:23 ] Jebidus Skari > lol yes
[ 2010.10.21 16:59:26 ] Jebidus Skari > i heard that too
[ 2010.10.21 16:59:45 ] Jebidus Skari > so seriosuly dude
[ 2010.10.21 16:59:50 ] Jebidus Skari > how did yu hear about us
[ 2010.10.21 16:59:58 ] Jebidus Skari > i mean we not making mucj noise tbh
[ 2010.10.21 17:00:03 ] Jebidus Skari > we just moved lol
[ 2010.10.21 17:00:05 ] Artemis97 > GIA has assets everywhere bro
[ 2010.10.21 17:00:19 ] Artemis97 > We may or may not have an asset in your alliance already
[ 2010.10.21 17:00:40 ] Jebidus Skari > lol im sure you might
[ 2010.10.21 17:00:41 ] Jebidus Skari > :)
[ 2010.10.21 17:00:45 ] Artemis97 > :v:
[ 2010.10.21 17:01:01 ] Jebidus Skari > but hey
[ 2010.10.21 17:01:04 ] Jebidus Skari > thats eve
[ 2010.10.21 17:01:05 ] Jebidus Skari > lol
[ 2010.10.21 17:01:19 ] Artemis97 > FOr sure
[ 2010.10.21 17:01:20 ] Artemis97 > Ok so
[ 2010.10.21 17:01:37 ] Artemis97 > Payment of 4.5b would be required
[ 2010.10.21 17:01:53 ] Artemis97 > That's the 700m for three systems, 1.2b for the station systems
[ 2010.10.21 17:02:02 ] Jebidus Skari > right
[ 2010.10.21 17:02:13 ] Artemis97 > If you wanted to maintain the JB's that are there, you can purchase those from us
[ 2010.10.21 17:02:23 ] Jebidus Skari > but i need to speak and discuss with allaince leaders personally
[ 2010.10.21 17:02:31 ] Jebidus Skari > and get everything legit
[ 2010.10.21 17:02:39 ] Jebidus Skari > b4 any money changes hands
[ 2010.10.21 17:02:46 ] Artemis97 > There's currently 2 in the space, that's 2b with fuel/mods/towers
[ 2010.10.21 17:02:51 ] Jebidus Skari > do own allaince know they ar egoing?
[ 2010.10.21 17:02:58 ] Artemis97 > Yeah ofc, no worries
[ 2010.10.21 17:03:03 ] Artemis97 > They might
[ 2010.10.21 17:03:12 ] Artemis97 > I don't know or care
[ 2010.10.21 17:03:20 ] Artemis97 > Why do you ask?
[ 2010.10.21 17:03:44 ] Jebidus Skari > well be interesting id they didnt
[ 2010.10.21 17:04:01 ] Artemis97 > I wouldn't want payment right now anyway… way too soon. Let's make sure this is the right decision
[ 2010.10.21 17:04:07 ] Jebidus Skari > ofc
[ 2010.10.21 17:04:30 ] Artemis97 > Ok so you can take this back to your guys
[ 2010.10.21 17:04:56 ] Jebidus Skari > yep can do
[ 2010.10.21 17:05:09 ] Jebidus Skari > but out next convo needs to be wioth your leadership mate
[ 2010.10.21 17:05:22 ] Artemis97 > 4.5b for the space. 15% tech goo to Goons / month, 10% to TEST2b for JB network transfer (Optional)
[ 2010.10.21 17:05:25 ] Artemis97 > Oh yeah for sure
[ 2010.10.21 17:05:40 ] Jebidus Skari > kk
[ 2010.10.21 17:05:46 ] Artemis97 > When's good?
[ 2010.10.21 17:05:57 ] Jebidus Skari > anytime dude
[ 2010.10.21 17:06:15 ] Artemis97 > Well I mean when do you plan to meet with them
[ 2010.10.21 17:07:11 ] Jebidus Skari > well lets chat wth your guys first
[ 2010.10.21 17:07:15 ] Jebidus Skari > so io have full info
[ 2010.10.21 17:07:26 ] Artemis97 > What do you mean?
[ 2010.10.21 17:08:41 ] Jebidus Skari > well if i can speak to the leadership of test and get all the info etc etc then i can go back \\woth all details to my guys [ 2010.10.21 17:09:58 ] Artemis97 > Umm
[ 2010.10.21 17:10:03 ] Artemis97 > Let me see if someone is on
[ 2010.10.21 17:15:40 ] Artemis97 > Ok I've got a member of the alliance council
[ 2010.10.21 17:15:49 ] Artemis97 > Stand by for a sec let me fill him in and get him online
[ 2010.10.21 17:15:53 ] Artemis97 > Talking to him on jabber
[ 2010.10.21 17:17:42 ] Jebidus Skari > dude i need to speak with rob3r and Montolio
[ 2010.10.21 17:21:40 ] Artemis97 > Who do you think I'm talking to
[ 2010.10.21 17:21:49 ] Jebidus Skari > dunno :)
[ 2010.10.21 17:26:20 ] Artemis97 > I'm having to convince them you're not spies
[ 2010.10.21 17:28:18 ] Jebidus Skari > lmao
[ 2010.10.21 17:28:24 ] Jebidus Skari > you cam e to me :)\\
[ 2010.10.21 17:29:35 ] Artemis97 > Still
[ 2010.10.21 17:29:39 ] Artemis97 > They're all paranoid
[ 2010.10.21 17:30:02 ] Artemis97 > They can't log in either
[ 2010.10.21 17:30:06 ] Artemis97 > :work:
[ 2010.10.21 17:30:13 ] Artemis97 > What about… 5 hours from now?
[ 2010.10.21 17:30:23 ] Jebidus Skari > sure
[ 2010.10.21 17:30:25 ] Jebidus Skari > thats soounds fine
[ 2010.10.21 17:30:50 ] Artemis97 > COol
[ 2010.10.21 17:30:57 ] Artemis97 > Well I'll talk to you then bro
[ 2010.10.21 17:31:01 ] Artemis97 > Take care
[ 2010.10.21 17:31:05 ] Artemis97 > o/

May I fly Tengus
Into the fucking ground
Driven there with the most ignorant of fanatical zeals
Overclocked by the formation of an extra 21st chromosome
Risked even my life since a child,
Inoculated in the womb by a coat hanger with the most divine of rusts.

Tried to scam a pubbie,
Sucked horribly at it
Unfit to troll even the most worthless of pubbie scum.

I Tried to command a Fleet
Sucked many far to many dicks that day, only to not get promoted

A beta male commander I shall remain

Friendlies always down vote me on every post
Always shunned by even those with the most popped and numerous of collars
Gargling the essence of life from even the most forbidden of sacks
Got me no where in life
On my knees I pray, wiping ever so tenderly sweat off my chin
Time to fit another Tengu bro
(credit: [B0RT] Myelinated)

rob3r > o/
Cuchulin > o/
rob3r > I'm Test Alliance's Head Diplo, just wanted to chat, about nothing in particular
Cuchulin > what can I do for you ?
rob3r > hope that's ok
rob3r > if you have some time
Cuchulin > sure, my responses might be a bit slow sometimes but other then that its fine
Cuchulin > artemis is your alt ?
rob3r > what? fuck no
rob3r > did art tell you he was me?
Cuchulin > Artemis97 contacted me as well
rob3r > What did he say?
Cuchulin > nothing, was just assuming its you too since you both contacted me at the same time
Cuchulin > so whats up with this two Test guys contacting me at the same time ? whole situation seems a bit puzzeling right now….
rob3r > art is being kicked from Test
rob3r > complete coincidence that he is contacting you
Cuchulin > ok whats going on here right now, you and Artemis97 contact me simultaneously, you to chat casualy and he to sell me intel from TEST, I'd like an explanation or we are done tal…
Cuchulin > king
rob3r > ahahaha
rob3r > wow
rob3r > I swear that I didn't know he was contacting you, he is a r*tard
rob3r > we were giving him to get his shit out, being nice
rob3r > giving him time*
rob3r > hang on
rob3r > did you tell him you were talking to me?
Cuchulin > nope
rob3r > alright, well he is kicked from Test as of now
rob3r > thanks for letting me know
rob3r > and I really don't think he can offer much intel, but I won't be butt hurt if you decide to buy it :)
Cuchulin > I pretty much told him to go fuck himself…I dislike the whole metagaming thing…..

culture/players/artemis97.1658448669.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/22 00:11 by Fof