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culture:history [2025/01/14 14:47]
Naliao [HERO Coalition]
culture:history [2025/01/14 15:12] (current)
Naliao [Joining WinterCo]
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 Unfortunately EMP was only actually functional while winning, they collapsed. Much to Mr. Warr's chagrin, many of these corps decided to leave together to end up in Black Legion. Curiously enough, Mr CapriSun Kraftfoods is now functionally the leader of Black Legion. TEST went on from here to try something new. BRAVE had been paid to attack the RUS and to take Catch if they could. To create a second front and retake the sov N3 had lost against the CFC. This was unfortunately a wild success. With some of the most creative misunderstandings and the most roundabout co-ordination HERO apparently was a success. Unfortunately EMP was only actually functional while winning, they collapsed. Much to Mr. Warr's chagrin, many of these corps decided to leave together to end up in Black Legion. Curiously enough, Mr CapriSun Kraftfoods is now functionally the leader of Black Legion. TEST went on from here to try something new. BRAVE had been paid to attack the RUS and to take Catch if they could. To create a second front and retake the sov N3 had lost against the CFC. This was unfortunately a wild success. With some of the most creative misunderstandings and the most roundabout co-ordination HERO apparently was a success.
-Hero was considered mildly successful in the first few months ​of the campaign, letting ​a number of FCs really grow their wings (SajuukNaliao, Trafalgar) and step up to Strat FC rolesDuring this early perioda number of fights went well for Test and allies. While HERO didn't have the best coordinationit still worked relatively well. Such as this fight in WD-VTVwhere INK thought they could plant TCUs and wipe the lower skilled HERO forces off grid. Instead they lost Napoc fleet. This was also one of the first times Test was able to start flying decent ships again such as zealots. Allied POV, Test fleet led by Naliao using Zealots: https://​​Zi8YaYm_4gk+HERO (Hopefully Effective Rookie Organization ala H.E.R.O.) ​was composed ​of a number of newer or lower skilled allianceswith Test being the wise old manThese included Brave, Spaceship Samurai, NOFUX, Nexus Alliance, Test, Of Sound MindAlmost Awesome (NOFUX) ​and a few others.
- Due to vastly differing cultures and opinions on how things should be ran, HERO eventually started to failcascade. A catalyst for this beginning is when an allied titan refused to bridge a Test subcap fleet into system where a Test cap fleet was betrayed and tackled by providencewho batphoned Black Legion(?) to come kill themdenying the subcaps ​chance at saving some of the capitals. More drama and differing cultures clashedas well as Brave not believing ​in doing any HR work whatsoever (thus letting spiesawoxers etc in) didnt help either. Brave FCs were not very skilled, Brave FCs such as Blue Ice tended to be bit toxic and unfun to fly with, refusing to change or improve their skill / strategyEve culture at the time was much more toxicso most everyone hated SOUND who was a very PC friendly alliance.+Hero was considered reasonably successful in the first few months of the campaignletting a number of FCs really grow their wings (Sajuuk, [[https://​​culture:​players:​naliao_vee|Naliao]],​ Trafalgarand step up to Strat FC roles. During this early period, a number ​of fights went well for Test and allies. While HERO didn't have the best coordinationit still worked relatively ​well. Such as this fight in WD-VTVwhere INK thought they could plant TCUs and wipe the lower skilled ​HERO forces off grid. Instead they lost Napoc fleetThis was also one of the first times Test was able to start flying decent ships again such as zealots. Allied POVTest fleet led by Naliao using Zealots: https://​​Zi8YaYm_4gk
-Popular Doctrines at the time were Hurricanes, Ishtars, and then Zealots for heavy work. Brave mostly flew moas/eagles (and died in huge numbers very often) resulting in many members from both Test and Brave getting bored, burning out, and generally not coming to fleets. Brave basically refused to innovate or change, and their fleet tactics stuck to throwing as many nerds as possible at problems. The problem with this is that the for will adapt over time, and Brave did not. Test had fewer numbers, but a much higher skillpoint and experience average - Brave refused to listen to any advice from long term eve vets from Test. Thusly, Test nerds avoided going on Brave fleets, due to them being akin to just suicidal banzai charges. Cynabals were also imported and flown without SRP as a fun skirmish doctrine, and later phantasms as well after Naliao managed to convince enough people theyd both be fun.+Test had finally recruited and grown again, along with players increasing their skillpoint average - this meant better and tougher doctrines were now on the table instead of bumming around in t1 cruisers such as caracals. This is where we found Zealots to be the premier doctrine - they hit hard, could tank for days, and could be run effectively with our comparably lower numbers. Naliao took out the very first Zealot fleet, and it was met with great success. While there was no major slaughter, the Test fleet was able to tank and hold the grid against an opposing fleet 3 times its size. This opening up of better doctrines greatly improved morale as well.  
 + Due to vastly differing cultures and opinions on how things should be ran, HERO eventually started to failcascade. A catalyst for this beginning was when an allied titan refused to bridge a Test subcap fleet into system where a Test cap fleet was betrayed and tackled by providence, who batphoned Black Legion(?) to come kill them, denying the subcaps a chance at saving some of the capitals, or at the very least an honorable death by last stand. More drama and differing cultures clashed, as well as Brave not believing in doing any HR work whatsoever (thus letting spies, awoxers, shitters, toxic players etc in) didn't help either. Brave FCs were not very skilled, their FCs such as Blue Ice tended to be a bit toxic and unfun to fly with, refusing to change or improve their skill / strategy. This led to many Test members refusing to go on fleets led by Brave FCs. In the reverse, Test recruited a solid number of brave members after they went on Test fleets and saw how much better the Test FCs were. Eve culture at the time was much more toxic, so most everyone hated SOUND who was a very PC friendly alliance, and they were considered incredibly obnoxious since they never shut up about it, and constantly played victim cards instead of actually playing the game well.  
 +Popular Doctrines at the time were Hurricanes, Ishtars, and then Zealots for heavy work. Brave mostly flew moas/eagles (and died in huge numbers very often) resulting in many members from both Test and Brave getting bored, burning out, and generally not coming to fleets. Brave basically refused to innovate or change, and their fleet tactics stuck to throwing as many nerds as possible at problems. The problem with this is that the foe will adapt over time, and Brave did not. Test had fewer numbers, but a much higher skillpoint and experience average - Brave refused to listen to any advice from long term eve vets from Test. Thusly, Test nerds avoided going on Brave fleets, due to them being akin to just suicidal banzai charges. Cynabals were also imported and flown without SRP as a fun skirmish doctrine, and later phantasms as well after Naliao managed to convince enough people theyd both be fun.
 During this time, Sperg squad had undergone something of a resurrection. We were playing L4D2 almost daily. We were filling games. It was fun. We even started doing Eve things. I had brought Agustus and Husker into TEST and we were having fun. Booda returned to the game and wanted to try something new. He managed to harness this energy and formed his own corp. The concept was pretty simple. A small scale corp without the limitations of a massive alliance. With a pretty solid SP baseline and where we wouldn'​t have to worry about the lowest common denominator. I personally was pretty hyped for exploring some of the more exciting doctrines. Unfortunately at some point this went wrong. Booda wasn't really leading the corp, he was simply in charge. Drama with BRAVE had left a pretty divisive sentiment in TEST and something needed to be done. Faced with corp members leaving and being absent himself, he came to the only conclusion that would involve the corp staying together. Leaving TEST. The obvious destination was Black Legion. Nos and Sperg have always been life partners. During this time, Sperg squad had undergone something of a resurrection. We were playing L4D2 almost daily. We were filling games. It was fun. We even started doing Eve things. I had brought Agustus and Husker into TEST and we were having fun. Booda returned to the game and wanted to try something new. He managed to harness this energy and formed his own corp. The concept was pretty simple. A small scale corp without the limitations of a massive alliance. With a pretty solid SP baseline and where we wouldn'​t have to worry about the lowest common denominator. I personally was pretty hyped for exploring some of the more exciting doctrines. Unfortunately at some point this went wrong. Booda wasn't really leading the corp, he was simply in charge. Drama with BRAVE had left a pretty divisive sentiment in TEST and something needed to be done. Faced with corp members leaving and being absent himself, he came to the only conclusion that would involve the corp staying together. Leaving TEST. The obvious destination was Black Legion. Nos and Sperg have always been life partners.
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 TEST then left HERO Coalition and decided to strike the earth in Wicked Creek. Everything was nice for the first few hours, but then Red Alliance (RED) put Almost Awesome. (N0FUX) up to attempt to headshot our new staging. They succeeded when AUTZ Fleet Commander [[:​cul|Sajuukthanatoskhar]] did what he does best and lost an entire Ishtar fleet, the station and then everyone'​s clones (we ended up in highsec), at least for 12 hours or so. We called in a favor from Pandemic Legion to retake the station. Hurt by this betrayal, TEST declared a no-holds-barred jihad on N0FUX. Within a few months, N0FUX was effectively dead. With our allies Rebel Alliance of New Eden (RANE), Sock Puppet Federation (SOCKS), and Solyaris Chtonium (SLYCE), we eventually secured the rest of Wicked Creek. TEST then left HERO Coalition and decided to strike the earth in Wicked Creek. Everything was nice for the first few hours, but then Red Alliance (RED) put Almost Awesome. (N0FUX) up to attempt to headshot our new staging. They succeeded when AUTZ Fleet Commander [[:​cul|Sajuukthanatoskhar]] did what he does best and lost an entire Ishtar fleet, the station and then everyone'​s clones (we ended up in highsec), at least for 12 hours or so. We called in a favor from Pandemic Legion to retake the station. Hurt by this betrayal, TEST declared a no-holds-barred jihad on N0FUX. Within a few months, N0FUX was effectively dead. With our allies Rebel Alliance of New Eden (RANE), Sock Puppet Federation (SOCKS), and Solyaris Chtonium (SLYCE), we eventually secured the rest of Wicked Creek.
-During this time, [[https://​​topic/​80528-updated-windrunner-compendium-wr-hurricane-and-hfi-discussion/?​tab=comments#​comment-1133598|Windrunner Tornadoes]] were fully invented and TEST became renowned (in AUTZ/Late USTZ) to use these for devious maneuvers. This time was generally regarded as a fun era to be in Test. [[https://​​culture:​players:​naliao_vee|Naliao Vee]] also brought Phantasms, Cynabals, and a weird BYOB(attleship) doctrine called dropsquad to the mix - at least until ccp killed combat refitting.+During this time, [[https://​​topic/​80528-updated-windrunner-compendium-wr-hurricane-and-hfi-discussion/?​tab=comments#​comment-1133598|Windrunner Tornadoes]] were fully invented and TEST became renowned (in AUTZ/Late USTZ) to use these for devious maneuvers. This time was generally regarded as a fun era to be in Test. [[https://​​culture:​players:​naliao_vee|Naliao Vee]] also brought Phantasms, Cynabals, and a weird armor BYOB(attleship) doctrine ​w cap logi called dropsquad to the mix - at least until ccp killed combat refitting.
 After this, there was sporadic fighting with RED and their allies over moons in the superregion. Eventually, Triumvirate. and friends forced RED and co. out of Insmother. Meanwhile, Gentlemen'​s.Club (GCLUB), our allies in Immensea, failcascaded,​ leaving Immensea in the hands of Stain Wagon. Shortly after this, TEST decided to forward stage in Detorid to fight with DARKNESS. and friends and to take moons after Pandemic Legion took moons in Wicked Creek for the lulz. After about two months, we retreated back to our main staging. Leadership had determined that content was drying up in Wicked Creek, and so, on March 19th, 2016, TEST left, with no return on the horizon. After this, there was sporadic fighting with RED and their allies over moons in the superregion. Eventually, Triumvirate. and friends forced RED and co. out of Insmother. Meanwhile, Gentlemen'​s.Club (GCLUB), our allies in Immensea, failcascaded,​ leaving Immensea in the hands of Stain Wagon. Shortly after this, TEST decided to forward stage in Detorid to fight with DARKNESS. and friends and to take moons after Pandemic Legion took moons in Wicked Creek for the lulz. After about two months, we retreated back to our main staging. Leadership had determined that content was drying up in Wicked Creek, and so, on March 19th, 2016, TEST left, with no return on the horizon.
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 Test, alongside WinterCo, fought and forced B2/​Goons/​Brave into retreat. Test, alongside WinterCo, fought and forced B2/​Goons/​Brave into retreat.
-November 2023, Test Began attempting to retake the fabled Testagram (https://​​topic/​111114-the-great-reclamation-the-testagram/​) We decided that taking the gram' would be an internal matter, and refused help from allies. The reclamation was our job, and ours alone. It was much easier than initially expected, so we took the space pretty fast. +November 2023, Test Began attempting to retake the fabled Testagram (https://​​topic/​111114-the-great-reclamation-the-testagram/​) We decided that taking the gram' would be an internal matter, and refused help from allies. The reclamation was our job, and ours alone. This was a point of pride for Test. It was much easier than initially expected, so we took the space pretty fast. 
 December 2023, Test retook the Testagram, Keep anchored in 3T7 and Dino's finally found a new(old) home. Our wonderful logistics team quickly set up JF routes, Ansiblex (jump bridges) and got the markets stocked quickly. ​ December 2023, Test retook the Testagram, Keep anchored in 3T7 and Dino's finally found a new(old) home. Our wonderful logistics team quickly set up JF routes, Ansiblex (jump bridges) and got the markets stocked quickly. ​
culture/history.1736866043.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/14 14:47 by Naliao