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Snuffed Out


Snuffed Out was founded in 2014-11-06.

Snuff was at its prime a low-sec oriented alliance that had most of its focus on high skill point pilots flying blingy doctrines and multiboxing subcaps. Their orientation around being elite often led to them being in competition with Pandemic Legion and other similar “elite” lowsec alliances.
They usually worked together with their feeder alliance Pen is Out and the Russian lowsec alliance Project Mayhem. Project Mayhem later widotted into Snuffed Out when they closed down.
Snuffed Out went through several iterations during their existance, temporarily working with anyone in the name of content and then famously turning on them later on.
In the lead up to World War Bee, Snuffed Out had a temporary ceasefire with the other lowsec alliances and formed lowsec Voltron to fight the CFC.
During the actual war, Snuffed Out joined the Money Badger Coalition to fight goons in WWB.
Once the war was won and goons retreated into Delve, Snuffed Out betrayed their lowsec rivals Shadow Cartel and used the MBC blue standings to kill some of their moving supercaps in the infamous event now known as The Big Black Wedding.

The goons captured Delve in July 2016 after WWB was all but wrapped up and roughly a year later, Snuffed Out joined them in the Imperium in September 2017.
This lasted for a year as they once again left in October 2018.

Snuffed Out once more moved back into lowsec and there they went on to suffocating literally all groups and content in the area.

At one point during their lowsec smothering, they also famously ambushed a Legacy supercap move op, pissing off TEST Sky Marshall vily to no end.

A year after leaving the Imperium, Snuffed Out announced that they were closing down and were gonna form a smaller more casual alliance since leadership didn't have the time or motivation to run a high effort alliance (especially in the low content climate they now found themselves in).

Snuffed Out announced their end in October 2019.

culture/history/snuffed_out.1572802844.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/03 17:40 by Theoriginalamam