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skill urself


The alliance was founded in 2017-04-12.

skill urself <INGME> origins came from a amalgation of pvp pilots who came from a few different alliances where the main original source being Confederation of xXPIZZAXx alongside a couple of likeminded other small alliances that eschewed being in the larger nullblocs.

The original purpose for the alliance to form was to compete in the Alliance Tournament XV in 2017. They placed at 5th place.

Once the AT was over, skill urself had a minor identity crisis but this resolved itself as they were soon offered a mercenary contract by Drone Region Federation <DRF> to come fight Triumvirate <TRI> who were at the time fighting the new members of DRF, Fidelas Constans <FCON> who were living in the South, fairly far from the Drone Regions where the bulk of the DRF were located.

After successfully waging a campaign against TRI, there were sudden crinkles in the relationship between DRF and INGME as the lead DRF diplomat handling the contract were fired from the DRF and the diplo that took over were semi-afk at the time and there were a misunderstanding where DRF believed INGME had been paid already while INGME were annoyed about not receiving payment. This quickly lead to skill urself swapping sides and starting to shoot DRF instead, reversing the current tide of war in the region.

DRF were at this time also occupied with the coalition Guardians of the Galaxy <GOTG> who were attacking their sov, mainly due to DRF “tempblueing” TEST during our northern deployment, Operation Bad Dragon, where we deployed to fight GOTG.

During this time period, skill urself was growing massively as they were recruiting every decent pvp corp they could find.

They also formed the coalition “The Holy League” which were comprised of skill urself, V0LTA and Hard Knocks.

The main purpose of The Holy League was to wage a crusade against the DRF and its members.

For a fairly long while the Holy League fought against the English speaking part of the DRF while the bulk of the forces, the Russian speaking members, were deployed south to fight in Immensea and prop up a dying FCON.

Once the Russians finished up their southern campaign and came back to fight for their homelands, they found a English DRF that was all but spent and a heavily entrenched Holy League who were creating timers constantly and feeding their own members DRF ratting super killmails on the regular.

The DRF soon found themselves evicted from the regions they had held for so long and the Holy League soon created one of the largest renter empires in EVE blueing PanFam in the process to prevent their mutual renter incomes from being adversly impacted.

After this the Holy League virtually disbanded, except to function as landlords.

skill urself deployed to participate a little in The Blue Donut War and later in The War With The North-Eastern Bloc, both times against TEST and allies.

After TEST & Friends won both those wars, skill urself did a deployment down to the South to try and shit on the smaller Legacy alliances setting up shop in the border regions between Legacy and Fraternity. This ended right after TEST deployed down to support their allies.

After that skill urself sat in the Dronelands, collecting their rental paychecks and basically doing nothing. So far in the history of their alliance they hadn't started anything by themself, instead allying themselves with already deployed sides; starting with the DRF first, swapping to blueing TRI in that war and then TRI/C02 in the Blue Donut War, followed by joining basically everyone in the Northeast against Legacy in The War With The North-Eastern Bloc.

Their few attempts to deploy by themselves fizzled out such as the deployment against Legacy.

After sitting and waiting for long enough they decided that instead of committing to a offensive war by themselves to someone (funded by their immense rental empire), they would simply disband.

This was done via having a meeting with the key corps of skill urself and telling them ahead of everyone else in the alliance. This was immediately leaked to reddit.

So far it is unclear what happened to the trillions of liquid isk that skill urself had accumulated.

Most of the skill urself corps left The Holy Rental League and joined Fraternity instead.

skill urself officially closed its doors at 2019-06-16.

culture/history/skill_urself.1562089584.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/02 17:46 by Theoriginalamam