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Goonswarm Federation

“GoonSwarm1) doesn't exist anymore lol” – Goonwiki

Goonswarm Federation is the latest incarnation of the “Goonswarm” alliance. Their key corporation “Goonwaffe” is formed from players from the Something Awful forums. Goonswarm's history in EVE can be described as colorful, and further reading can be found on one of the numerous EVE historical wikis or the Goonswarm wiki itself.

The story so far

Dreddit and Test Alliance have a interesting past with Goonswarm Federation and their related entities. During the early days of Dreddit the corporation held a mining fleet in the lowsec system of Alparena, the fleet of mining ships were protected by a few ragtag cruisers and frigates which had managed to come along for the ride. The goons happened to come across the small mining fleet and recognized Dreddit as a new corporation that had just formed up, and planned to give the fleet a “welcome to EVE party”.

Within a hour the mining fleet was hot-dropped by a mid size mixed fleet of cruisers and rifters, totally annihilating the unaware miners. Rumors have it that in the Dreddit fleet chat someone asked what a “Cynosural Field” is seconds before the Goon fleet jumped in.

After this glorious slaughter, the Goons felt sorry for the newly formed Reddit corp, seeing something of themselves in the newly forming corporation. Darius Johnson offered help to Fletcher Hammond, who was the current leader of Dreddit at the time, and our friendship was formed.

During the following months Dreddit traveled with Goons to Cloud Ring to fight against Ev0ke, then into DKUK when Tau Ceti Federation offered Goons the space to use. During the campaign against the Southern Coalition in Curse, Test Alliance Please Ignore was formed and standings were set.



Additional Info

GSF's mascot are the BEES. This theme shows up in many of their propaganda images as they like to role-play as the swarm of newbees they once were.

Now officially known as Imperium
culture/history/goonswarm_federetion.1455212484.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/11 17:41 by Jaelre