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Sajuukthanatoskhar, Platinum Death and Vonceforthelulz's corporation who joined DAWW at the end of 2011. Didn't bring much to the table but posted lots on the forums, asking open ended questions and apparently didn't fit into the culture.
Former TEST Friends member.
were terrible and bumping a blue rorqual out of POS.
asked why, a director the corp troll replied 'umad?'
Montolio was. They were kicked whilst one of their directors were still leading a fleet deep in CVA space in his ferox.
It was well known and documented that the members of Donner Party were terrible posters.
It is also well known that Sajuukthanatoskhar is the only member of Donner Party to have stayed in TEST, thanks to Superbeastie, and tells the story of Donner Party to any fool in the Bacon Bar who dares ask.
Sajuuk still exists in TEST.