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corps:dreddit:joining [2023/05/05 04:24]
Koleslaw [Applying on your own]
corps:dreddit:joining [2025/02/04 20:44] (current)
Numidor [Applying to Dreddit]
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 ====== Joining Dreddit ====== ====== Joining Dreddit ======
-Dreddit is a primarily English-speaking EVE Online corporation ​mostly ​made up of [[http://​|]] members and their friends/​family. ​To keep in the theme of Reddit we've got a very laid back community with no real hard and fast rules on how often you play and how you like to play.+Dreddit is a primarily English-speaking EVE Online corporation ​historically ​made up of [[http://​|]] members and their friends/​family. ​Keeping ​in the theme of Reddit we've got a very laid back community with no real hard and fast rules on how often you play and how you like to play. A Reddit account is no longer required to join.
 Dreddit is the founder of "Test Alliance Please Ignore",​ one of the largest alliances in EVE Online. Dreddit is the founder of "Test Alliance Please Ignore",​ one of the largest alliances in EVE Online.
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   * 2. Apply with a [[:​corps:​dreddit:​internal:​divisions:​hr:​recommendations|recommendation]] from a member of Dreddit.   * 2. Apply with a [[:​corps:​dreddit:​internal:​divisions:​hr:​recommendations|recommendation]] from a member of Dreddit.
   * 3. Apply as a former member.   * 3. Apply as a former member.
-  * 4. Apply as a member of an allied entity. 
   * 5. Apply on your own with a [[:​corps:​dreddit:​arts_and_crafts|Arts & Crafts assignment.]]   * 5. Apply on your own with a [[:​corps:​dreddit:​arts_and_crafts|Arts & Crafts assignment.]]
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-  - __**<​color #​ed1c24>​[[https://​​profile/​add/​reddit|Add your reddit account]].</​color>​**__ 
   - Click on the "​HR"​ tab in Auth and select "​[[https://​​hr/​application/​add/​|Create an application]]"​   - Click on the "​HR"​ tab in Auth and select "​[[https://​​hr/​application/​add/​|Create an application]]"​
   - Select the Character you wish to apply with and the corp you want to apply to (probably **Dreddit**) and click "​Apply"​.   - Select the Character you wish to apply with and the corp you want to apply to (probably **Dreddit**) and click "​Apply"​.
-  - Please tell why you want to join Dreddit, what you do for ISK, and what you do for fun in EVE. This will help you get a quicker response.+  - Please tell why you want to join Dreddit, what you do for ISK, and what you do for fun in EVE. This will help you get a quicker response. ​You can also join our Discord found here: https://​​ and chat in the HR channel for faster responses
   - **Click "​Submit Application"​ and it should take you back to a list of your current applications**.   - **Click "​Submit Application"​ and it should take you back to a list of your current applications**.
   - **Drop roles.**   - **Drop roles.**
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 ===== Applying with a recommendation ===== ===== Applying with a recommendation =====
- +Having ​a recommendation from an active community ​member ​in good standing can ease the recruitment process.
-If you are not yet a reddit member, or your reddit account does not meet the requirements,​ your application must come with a recommendation from a current ​member ​of Dreddit who //does// fulfill them. You will still need a validated reddit account for this.+
 **Recommendations are linked permanently.** If a recommended member is kicked for any reason, the person who recommended them will inherit the blame and may face similar punishment. Non-redditors recommended by a member that is kicked may also be kicked. **The Dredditor recommending you needs to currently be in Dreddit for their recommendation to be valid!** **Recommendations are linked permanently.** If a recommended member is kicked for any reason, the person who recommended them will inherit the blame and may face similar punishment. Non-redditors recommended by a member that is kicked may also be kicked. **The Dredditor recommending you needs to currently be in Dreddit for their recommendation to be valid!**
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-===== Joining from Allies ===== 
-If you've been in an alliance that's blue to TEST Alliance for 30 days or longer (you must be active), you now no longer need to have an active Reddit account to join Dreddit. This will be dependent on your in-game activity. 
-To apply as an ally: 
-  - Log into auth 
-  - (Optional)[[https://​​profile/​add/​reddit|Add your reddit account]]. 
-  - (Optional)Make sure you are logged in to your reddit account, otherwise [[http://​​login|log into your reddit account]]. 
-  - (Optional)To validate your reddit account within the [[:​it:​auth|Auth System]] click the **validate** ​ link from the [[https://​​profile/​|main page]], and send the private message that auth redirects you to. 
-  - Click on the "​HR"​ tab in Auth and select "​[[https://​​hr/​application/​add/​|Create an application]]"​ 
-  - Select the Character you wish to apply with and the corp you want to apply to (probably **Dreddit**) and click "​Apply"​. 
-  - Tell us why you want to leave your current corporation and why you want to join Dreddit. 
-  - **Click "​Submit Application"​ and it should take you back to a list of your current applications**. 
-  - **Drop roles.** 
-  - **Wait for an acceptance letter in Auth.** 
-  - **Apply for an invitation to Dreddit in game after you have been accepted in Auth.** 
-  - **Wait for an invitation to be extended to you.** 
-  - **Accept the invitation.** 
-  * DO NOT apply in-game once you've submitted your application 
-  * Add all your EVE accounts to Auth 
-  * Check your application on Auth from time to time 
 ===== Applying With Alts ===== ===== Applying With Alts =====
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 If you have any issues, feel free to reach out to us using our public discord channel. Do not ping the entire Dreddit HR team with your issue. If you have any issues, feel free to reach out to us using our public discord channel. Do not ping the entire Dreddit HR team with your issue.
 This is the best way to contact us if you are already a member of Dreddit, or are looking to join. This is the best way to contact us if you are already a member of Dreddit, or are looking to join.
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 ===== In-game ===== ===== In-game =====
-Should you have any questions, the simplest way to get answers is to add a message to your application. There is also usually at least one member of Dreddit HR in the in-game channel "​**Dreddit Recruitment**",​ or someone who's able to get in touch with HR for you. If you feel the need to, you can try contacting the HR Drone that has processed your application,​ their character name should be somewhat similar to the auth username you see on the messages and status changes in your application. In any case someone should be able to help you.+Should you have any questions, the simplest way to get answers is to add a message to your application. ​The quickest way to find an HR person, is via discord: https://​​ | There is also usually at least one member of Dreddit HR in the in-game channel "​**Dreddit Recruitment**",​ or someone who's able to get in touch with HR for you. If you feel the need to, you can try contacting the HR Drone that has processed your application,​ their character name should be somewhat similar to the auth username you see on the messages and status changes in your application. In any case someone should be able to help you.
 **Please note that from time to time we're just trying to play the game. If your convo gets rejected, please don't take it personally. We're probably just busy doing things.** **Please note that from time to time we're just trying to play the game. If your convo gets rejected, please don't take it personally. We're probably just busy doing things.**
corps/dreddit/joining.1683260640.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/05 04:24 by Koleslaw