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corps:dreddit:arts_and_crafts [2024/05/06 04:44]
Nacrana Fixing Discord Link
corps:dreddit:arts_and_crafts [2024/06/14 10:50] (current)
TheBiggles [Rules and regulations]
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 **Rules** **Rules**
-  * Applicants are required to have a Reddit account that is at least three months old. 
   * The project proposal must have been reviewed and accepted by Dreddit'​s HR director(s).   * The project proposal must have been reviewed and accepted by Dreddit'​s HR director(s).
   * Applicants must create either a physical or virtual object related to Dreddit.   * Applicants must create either a physical or virtual object related to Dreddit.
corps/dreddit/arts_and_crafts.1714970695.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/06 04:44 by Nacrana