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corps:dreddit:arts_and_crafts [2015/04/22 18:39]
manzinus created
corps:dreddit:arts_and_crafts [2024/06/14 10:50] (current)
TheBiggles [Rules and regulations]
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 **Rules** **Rules**
-  * Applicants are required to have a Reddit account that is at least three months old. 
   * The project proposal must have been reviewed and accepted by Dreddit'​s HR director(s).   * The project proposal must have been reviewed and accepted by Dreddit'​s HR director(s).
   * Applicants must create either a physical or virtual object related to Dreddit.   * Applicants must create either a physical or virtual object related to Dreddit.
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 =====How To===== =====How To=====
-  - Send a message ​to [[​compose/?​to=DredditHR|Dreddit HR]] with your project proposal.+  - Join the Dreddit corp discord and talk to someone in the hr-public channel about your project proposal. Please don't ping the entire channel, someone will get with you eventually (also please read the pinned ​message ​in the channel). ​[[|Discord invite link]]
   - Wait for project to be approved or rejected. This could take up to one week. Unapproved projects will not be accepted.   - Wait for project to be approved or rejected. This could take up to one week. Unapproved projects will not be accepted.
   - Once approved you my begin your project. Document the whole process.   - Once approved you my begin your project. Document the whole process.
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   - Submit a new application on auth and provide a link to your /​r/​evedreddit submission.   - Submit a new application on auth and provide a link to your /​r/​evedreddit submission.
   - Wait patiently and check your auth app regularly. A&C applications may take longer then normal.   - Wait patiently and check your auth app regularly. A&C applications may take longer then normal.
-  - +
 =====FAQ===== =====FAQ=====
 ====How can I get in touch with Dreddit'​s HR director(s)?​==== ====How can I get in touch with Dreddit'​s HR director(s)?​====
-They can be reached via the reddit account ​**DredditHR**.+They can be reached via joining ​the corp discord and contacting them via the hr-public channel ​**[[https://​​dredditisrecruiting|Discord invite link]]**.
-===-Could you suggest a project?​====+====Could you suggest a project?​====
 No, but you can check out previous submissions to r/​evedreddit and see what other people have done. No, but you can check out previous submissions to r/​evedreddit and see what other people have done.
corps/dreddit/arts_and_crafts.1429727987.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/22 18:39 (external edit)