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Titan Bridge


A titan class super-capital has the ability to use a Jump Portal Generator I, which allows them to bridge people between solar systems similar to how jump bridges work or how capital ships use jump drives, allowing a fleet to quickly move over a vast distance (up to 7ly).

How To Be Bridged

When you are in a fleet where a titan bridge will be used, you must be in the same fleet as the Titan, and within 2500m of the titan when it activates its bridge. When it activates its bridge, a blue aura surrounds the titan and much of the space around it and allows you to right click on the titan, and select “Jump to XXXXX” where the X's are the destination the titan is bridging to.

Bridges only last for a certain amount of time, and consume a large sum of fuel depending on the ship that jumps through (also like jump bridges).

So in short:

Some extra tips include


How To Activate Your Titan Bridge

Bridging to a cyno is *very* similar to jumping to a cyno, hence the mistakes you hear about. Don't rely on yourself to not make mistakes. Places like NASA have procedures in place so that nothing can go wrong with only one mistake. You'd be wise to follow their lead.