This page replaces the “Setting Up Mumble” section of the “” wiki page.

Setting Up Mumble

To get registered and working on TEST Mumble you need to have a valid and working Auth account with the Mumble (Minder2) service added. If you've got an API key flagged as “OK” and some groups assigned to you you'll be able to connect and use the Mumble server. If not then try refreshing your API key.

While you're logged into auth, on the “Your Profile” page, click the “Add Service” button at the bottom.
Select “Mumble (Minder2)” as the service to add, and enter a password.
Then click “Add Service”.
Download and install Mumble (the latest snapshot is recommended. If you're on Debian apt-get install mumble).

Step through the setup wizard and create a certificate (the defaults are fine).
At the end of the Minder2 setup you were given a link called the “Service URL”.
This link will also show up in the “Your Profile” page next to the “Mumble (Minder2)” service. Clicking this link will take you to the Minder service page.
Here are the currently available servers available to TEST pilots. Click on “Connect” for the “Main Server” mumble service.
Your browser will likely ask you if you'd like to launch Mumble (even if it's already open); click to open Mumble.
You may or may not see the following image…
This is expected on the first time you connect to a server; click yes to accept that servers certificate.
Remember that mumble servers will be taken down and brought up as needed so even if you are joining a fleet that has used a mumble server called “bobs fleet” in the past you may need to do this again.
The next window is asking for the password you provided when you signed up for the Minder2 service.

You will then be logged into the TEST Mumble Server. We recommend you bookmark the Main Server so you can join directly from the Mumble client rather than through the web service.

Bookmarking in Mumble

From the menu select “Server” then “Connect”
On the Mumble Server Connect dialogue click the “Add New” button.
Instead of filling in all of the information simply click on the “Fill” button.
All you need to do now is Label this bookmark and you're finished.