Table of Contents

Mining Operations


Every mining op needs a leader. It should be someone trustworthy, competent, and reliable. The leader's job is to oversee, plan, and coordinate each of the aspects of a mining op discussed here. For the purposes of this article, let us assume that this person is you.


You must prepare for the op by checking out the location ahead of time. Will there be enough asteroids with Arkanor, Bistot, and Crokite? Is the location safe? If a hostile gang is incoming, will it be reported before reaching your system? Is it convenient to refine and move ore around that area? Can people get their mining ships to and from the location without a problem? You must ensure that enough people will attend by posting an op thread in the war room and checking to make sure a major op is not planned at the same time. You must also facilitate the whole mining process by checking to see that there are mining crystals and other gear for sale on the local market, et ceteras. Perhaps you might assemble a small cache of mining gear to hand out to newbies who wish to attend. Good gear for such a cache might include: Miner I/IIs, Mining Drone I/IIs, Mining Laser Upgrade Is/IIs, Ospreys, Scythes, and various T1 and T2 Strip Miner crystals.


A good mining op will have as many bonuses lined up as possible, using skills, mining foremen link modules, implants, and hopefully a rorqual, all within a properly setup fleet. Below you will find details about each way to improve your gang's mining bonuses.

Boost mechanics have changed in the Ascension patch. The below information needs to be updated.

The Op


Ideally you want a battleship that can 'permatank' - turn on all tanking mods, leave them running, and handle the NPC damage forever. A Dominix or other turret-based ship is ideal for this because it can also mine a bit while tanking, provided that the tank is careful to not lose NPC aggro by warping to a new rock or flying faster than the rats can keep up. Lacking mining upgrades due to the tank, a mining BS will likely produce slightly more ore than a cruiser. For larger ops, a second tank can greatly improve productivity by staying one belt ahead of the op and ensuring that there is no downtime when switching belts.


The vast majority of newbies will be able to fly their racial cruiser in time for any mining op. The Amarr race has no mining cruiser, and so many newbies prefer the Tormentor frigate, although the Maller yields ever so slightly more ore. In all likelihood, most newbies will be flying Ospreys, older PvP players will be in Battleships, and older PvE players will be in mining barges.

Needs Updated Table: Ship Name, Ship Type / Race, Average m3/min, Average unit/min, Average unit/hr


A good ratio of haulers to miners must be maintained so that an overabundance of unhauled ore does not accumulate in jetcans. A good baseline hauler is a Mammoth with T2/named cargo expanders, and hopefully cargohold optimization rigs. Haulers should have their racial industrial skill trained to at least IV. Many haulers use Tractor Beams to bring full jetcans closer to them, rather than slowboating to them and knocking miners all over the place.

Needs Updated

Common Hauling Ships Race / Class Cargo Capacity(with Industrial III, Expanded Cargohold II)Cargo Capacity(with Industrial IV, Expanded Cargohold II)Cargo Capacity(with Industrial IV plus rigs,Expanded Cargohold II)
SigilAmarr Industrial 11,624 m3 12,130 m3 18,448 m3
BestowerAmarr Industrial 14,587 m3 15,222 m3 23,150 m3
WreatheMinmatar Industrial 6,169 m3 6,437 m3 9,791 m3
HoarderMinmatar Industrial 12,156 m3 12,685 m3 19,292 m3
MammothMinmatar Industrial N/A 17,838 m3 27,129 m3
Iteron Mark VGallente Industrial N/A N/A N/A
RorqualORE Capital Industrial 40,000 m3 126,091 m3 137,294 m3


Division of Proceeds

List of mining apps, links to them. Spreadsheets? Methods (shares, whatever). Corp charity ops? Pro-newbie methods, equal share methods, fair split methods. How much should haulers and tanks get? Can the person running it take a cut? What to do for people that want their minerals up-front. Some ops it may be better to just hand out minerals and leave people to their own devices with them.


Many goons will use their refining skills on behalf of an op, for free. Getting the ore to the station? What type of station is best for this? NPC stations (like JLO) give the best refine rates. Sometimes the corp will set a tax rate to zero if you ask Darius on a good day. See the list of refiners at List of Refiners for (possibly outdated) options. What else?

Selling of Proceeds

The best price for zydrine and megacyte will be obtained in empire, usually Jita. Care must be taken when transporting large amounts of valuable minerals. Ideally, any empire hauling should be conducted with a neutral alt, in highsec, in a well-fit blockade runner.

If you can't transport it securely, you might be better off cutting some kind of deal with the corp or a local industrialist. You'll get a worse price, but it is better than nothing. Definitely don't make it a no-bid sell, though –if people compete over the price you will get better results.



Larger Ops
