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Project Mayhem.


Project Mayhem. was a primarily Russian speaking alliance that based out of lowsec. Pretty much permablue and joined at the hip with Snuffed Out most of the time, they were mainly a collection of high-skill pilotes with fancy doctrines. Project Mayhem was founded in 2014 and during their existence they were sometimes temp blue to TEST but usually not. TEST worked with PM and Snuff frequently, usually to dunk on Pandemic Legion, the long time rivals of Snuff but most of the time they were adversaries. Project Mayhem were overall respected as good pilots in EVE during their existence and always considered a serious threat on the field. A few highlights that Project Mayhem were a part of during their run were, among others, getting the first Faction Titan kill in EVE with PM killing a Vanquisher, being the owners of the first faction super that TEST successfully baited and killed by themselves and without help from third parties and having the misfortune of being the owners of the first Keepstar to actually die.

Project Mayhem died in 2017-08-25 when they merged into Snuff Box.