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OWN Alliance


OWN Alliance were an alliance living in Deklein in 2010, sharing the space with among others, Goonswarm Federation and TEST who had basically inherited the space from the recently deceased Tau Ceti Federation.

All the alliances who were lucky enough to get their share of the bountiful Deklein Technetium moons were growing fat but it soon became apparent that OWN were cheating their own linemembers out of SRP and hoarding the ISK for themselves.

TEST decided that this would not stand so soon UN aid convoys were organized to help the poor starving members of OWN.

The drama surrounding this soon led to Goonswarms leader, The Mittani, to demand an audit of OWNs moon income to see if embezzling were actually taking place. OWNs CEO refused and after about two weeks of more drama, OWN were removed from Deklein and sent to the Drone Regions to die. Which they did (after TEST poached a bunch of their members).