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S0uthern Comfort

S0uthern Comfort is an active PVP corp inside of Test Alliance.

Our pilots like to have fun - we do troll each other and the people we kill, we make fun of everyone and everything, if you can’t handle giving and receiving large amounts of trolling and are sensitive and/or get mad easily then this isn’t the corp for you.

The corp currently has 3 Large Divisions - US, Czech and French - spanning a large range of time zones with operations daily. We are currently recruiting for all time zones!

What we offer:

• An Active Corp and Alliance
• Corp/Alliance Content from small roams all the way to capital warfare
• Experienced player base with lots of bitter vets.
• RL first Eve second
• Access to 0.0 space and plenty of isk making.
• Corp Deployments with SRP.
• Corp Ore/Ice buy back program.
• And most importantly we are a good group of Bros to be around.

What we are looking for:

• PvP Orientated, with some proof of PvP experience (200 kills in the last 6 months) lesser amounts will be considered on a case by case basis.
• Ability to pass our probationary period.
• The Ability To Fly and/or train for doctrine ships for both alliance and corp.
• Work within a Corporation/Alliance (and follow orders, TS discipline etc).
• Dedication to our collective goals and operations.
• You need to be for the most part self sufficient, everyone has hard times and as a corp we will help you out, but we can't hold your hand 100% of the time.
• Thick Skin

If you're interested drop by the “[S0CO] Recruitment” channel and have a chat with one of our recruiters for more details.

You can also talk to us on recruitment discord:

zzz_-_archive/archive/corps/s0uthern_comfort.1678588268.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/12 02:31 by djrandar