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0.0 Massive Dynamic [0MD] is a medium-sized NullSec, pure industrial focused Corp, with a mixture of both new and very experienced, mature members who have been playing for 1-10+ years. Two key advantages of a medium sized corp for the line members are
We are proud of being a 'drama free' and stable corp based on friendship, respect, and helpful people. Our new members usually comment that they have never been in such a friendly and respectful corp before and often invite their old like-minded friends to join us. We are not a hardcore corp requiring our members to play each day and alarm clock for CTA’s etc. But, we like to do things well and in an organized manner. So flying proper doctrines and being up to date with the current meta is important to us, avoiding unnecessary PVE losses too. Whelps? No thanks (we try to avoid the obvious ones at least!).
Said about our corp:
As a Corp in TEST alliance, one of the three largest alliances in New Eden, there is a lot of safe systems to use with very active home defense fleets and lots of customers for your capital builds.
The core leadership has been with the corp for 10 years through different mergers, and we have a very dedicated and stable core of players. The members are a mature group of like-minded players who enjoy PvP or just doing things together and working towards a common goal, we drink the odd beer (some even drink red wine, and I personally go for Rum & Coke) here and there with a very laid back atmosphere.
Our main goal is to Focus on industrial related activities, no matter if it's; mining, PI, harvesting, research, building or something else. As long as we can produce something, we will be doing it! For us, an active industrialist who's working towards our common goals is equally important as someone doing PVP. We don't look down on industrialists but rather think they play a very valuable part in our corp.
Speaking about PVP, we do have an active and effective PVP branch in a separate corp if that’s your thing, called Infinite Point [3.14-] where you can let off steam, ruin your new toys and help protect our turf. So if you are interested in that kind of stuff and it makes your blood pump, we are part of an alliance so there are plenty of opportunities for shooting other things than asteroids. Our members have their main in either the PVP or Indy Corp and alts in one or the other depending on their preferences.
We prefer if our members have at least 3-4 accounts. Why? It makes more sense to provide Rorqual Boost to one guy with four miners, compared to one guy with just one miner. And someone with multiple accounts is able to take care of belt rats by himself, while the one with just one account probably will need help from someone else. That being said, we are a fairly understanding bunch and are willing to change the requirements based on the individual - given that you have the right attitude, are willing to listen, learn, train and understand that life will be hard until you get the core skills trained to a decent level.
If this all sounds interesting, drop by our recruitment channel “Infinite Point Recruitment” (we use the same recruitment channel for PVP and Industrialist corps) or join our discord server and have a chat with us.