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zzz_-_archive:archive:bylaws:sovereignty_and_moons [2023/03/12 05:43]
djrandar ↷ Page moved from archive:bylaws:sovereignty_and_moons to zzz_-_archive:archive:bylaws:sovereignty_and_moons
zzz_-_archive:archive:bylaws:sovereignty_and_moons [2023/04/08 21:43] (current)
Your_Ozuwara ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation
Line 38: Line 38:
 ***This has the TEST Alliance Logistics seal of approval.** ***This has the TEST Alliance Logistics seal of approval.**
-Moon mining falls to the [[:diplo:moon_auction|]].+Moon mining falls to the [[diplo:bylaws:​moon_policy]].
 ---- ----
zzz_-_archive/archive/bylaws/sovereignty_and_moons.1678599805.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/12 05:43 by djrandar