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SMT (Slazanger's Map Tool)

SMT is a standalone EVE map application that features ESI data overlay(rat, ship, pod kills, etc), intel channel/data overlay, jump bridges, character tracking and other useful features. More interactive and info rich than DOTLAN but requires the setup and configuration effort that standalone EVE applications usually require.

Adding Jump Bridges

The fast way is

Go to copy the jump bridges.
Then in SMT import from clipboard in the tab on the right side.

The slow way

Open the Structure Browser in-game
Select “Jump Bridges” and “Region”, make sure all services are deselected. (Always do a whole region at a time.)
Create a new chat channel for yourself
Drag and drop the first structure into the chat window as if you were linking it Hit enter and repeat for every single jump bridge in that region.
Right click and “Copy All”
Paste the list in a rich text editor (VS Code or Sublime Text are both good)
(Sublime Text) Ctrl + A (select all)
Ctrl + Shift + L (put a cursor at the start of each line)
Ctrl + Right Arrow to highlight everything before the Structure ID (13 digit number) and delete
Ctrl + Left and Right Arrows to navigate between segments, holding shift to highlight when needed.
Manipulate all the lines at once to look like the existing format.

entries should look like this:
1033112628130 5H-SM2 –> C0O6-K


training/smt.1643452732.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/29 10:38 by nikephoros