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Rorqual Mining Primer (Mandarin)

Saving your Rorqual

Almost every Rorqual that gets tackled is getting tackled for their first time. So it's important to have this training in mind, because your first try might cost you 10 billion isk.

Before anything else, memorize this.

  • Drones in Wetu
  • Drop Siege
  • Watch for Cyno Inhibs
  • Communicate your status in comms - tank status, cyno status, cyno inhib status, panic status.

There are nuances to it, but those are the important things. In a stressful situation, you fall back on training, and that short list is a pretty good thing to fall back on. Stop, Drop, and Roll.

If more than a few dreads or supers drop on you, you can panic immediately. Short of that, you can probably wait a bit on panic.

Now let's go into a bit more detail.

Drones in Wetu

If your Wetu is reinforced, you can still get your drones into it. Launch one, scoop it to your fleet hangar, move it to the reinforced Wetu. Repeat.

Drop Siege

You don't need to immediately drop siege, but if you drop siege you always have the option to siege green again if needed. It IS imperative that your siege drops *before* your panic ends or you can't get external reps. If you're jammed and can't panic because you can't lock an asteroid you can siege, lock the rock, panic, desiege.

Watch for Cyno Inhibs

If you see a cyno inhib going up, make sure to light your cyno before it onlines. Preferably in a proper save fleet or a fleet where the boss is not AFK, but that's secondary to getting it lit. Communicate. If you have to light, make sure the FC knows it's lit and what fleet it's lit in. You can NOT change fleets after lighting your cyno.


Report those basic things in comms every 30 seconds or so (or every time the FC asks). When a FC shows up, make sure you're paying enough attention to hear things and follow instructions. I recommend joining either Fleet 10 comms or your corp comms (in mumble), and hanging out there for a minute or two to make sure your mic/speakers are working. After that, feel free to use the quiet room or deaf/mute yourself. Now you're only one button away from working comms.

Refit to Tank

You don't need a survey scanner or mining boosts. Shield boosts and more tank are pretty good here.

Oh, and IPX is out of bridge range. Hunters, check there first.

training/rorqualmining/zh.1519697953.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/27 02:19 by SerinusGareth