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Pod Jumping Overview

It's the best way to quickly get around Eve, as long as you don't care about implants (See jump clones for a way to get around this limitation). As long as we have offices there, you can get there. You can have a medical clone contract with any station you are docked in with a medical bay, or any station that has a corporate office in it.

The Dreddit corporation has various offices around the galaxy, plus your noob corp gives you access to their stations' medical bays. You can choose any station to sign a medical clone contract. Be aware that you can change (remote) stations only once a year. Once you changed stations and if you were to die in your pod, you'd automatically get “podded” back to your medical clone with all your skills intact. When you're back you carry on (upgrading your clone isn't needed since the Rhea release on December 8th). Pod jumping gives you a quick and easy, costless, way of travelling.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Step 1: Change your medical clone's station.

Click on medical services, click the “change station” right of the station to where you want to go. For example, if you want to join us in U-HVIX, choose the station with the name that begins with “U-HVIX” (the name changes frequently, but will start with the same sequence as the system). It will give you a bunch of warnings that you can basically ignore.

  1. Step 2: Get in your pod. Undock. Kill yourself.

While docked, right click on your ship, choose “leave ship”. Undock from station (may take thirty seconds), right click on your capacitor and choose “Initiate self destruct” and say yes. Wait two minutes. You will die.

  1. Step 3: Get in your noob ship, or other ship, and go about your business.

Works once a year! New Pilots

If you have assets at your current location, they will obviously not be transported when you podjump. If you would like to arrange transportation of your assets from high-sec to our base of operations, please check the Services Offered board for shipping services. Unless you're an experienced pilot your assets are probably not worth moving.

training/pod_jumping.1430539902.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/02 04:11 by zer0system