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Welcome to this unofficial Incursion newbro speech!

In an effort to try to make setting up your interface easier and FCs spending less time talking, we created this Newbro guide to help you! This way you get out to the fight faster and get more money in your pocket.

A couple rules up front.

  • First and foremost, we WILL NOT have any fleets running during any military objectives. Dock up, get your ass in the MIL fleet, or log off, or whatever you want. This is for any Save fleets, SKIRM pings and up. If I find out otherwise, I will ask to have you removed.
  • Fly the correct fit please. Find the email distro ingame called “Testicular Incursion” and see what you can fly. Most ships are on contract. Any other ship is completely at the discretion of the FC and may not be SRP able. Bastion Pilots join “Testicular Incursion Bastion”
  • Most FCs will bring the fleet to you or give you a safe path when you are coming and going for the fleets. If you gate yourself, understand you do so at your own risk.
  • # of ships on the field. You must be ready to bring 1 active ship (guardian, drone bunny, or links). After an active ship, you may bring up to 5 drone boats (Ishtars, VNIs). This is in effort to get required logi, links, and drone boats on the field.
  • Always broadcast for reps if you are getting shot. Don't wait for your armor to start dropping. Logi needs time to lock you and then rep you.
  • Gates and you. Do not take a gate to or through incursion space, including the acceleration gates unless the FC says so (gate is Green or gate is Red). If you do, you can come onto the field at a bad place at a bad time, and most likely die if the rats hit you because we will not be in range to save you. To ask if it is okay to jump on grid. Ask FC, “Gate Status?”. If the gate is okay to take, FC will reply “Gate is Green.” If you shouldn't take the gate, the FC will reply “Gate is Red.”


We have set up our own SRP program which covers 100% jita sell value of your ship at the time. This covers you due to FC or Logi error (ie giving the wrong command, bad directions, etc.) This does not cover Pilots doing the wrong thing (such as taking a gate when not told to, dying to gate rats while not with the fleet, not broadcasting for reps, etc). All you need to do is send “True Creations Research Center” (ticker is -TCRC) 10 million isk for non marauders, 20 million isk for marauders. before you die and you are covered on all fleets until next downtime. That is for each toon, not once per person (ie. 5 toons is 50mil).

Setting up your User Interface

Overview: Ensure tags are seen on your overview. This is done by undocking your ship and clicking the hamburger menu in the top left. Then find columns tab, then check tags are selected. This is important so you can see what the FC is tagging.

Drone window: Again click the hamburger menu in the top left. Then ensure your drones are set to Passive and Focus Fire. DO NOT HAVE AGGRESSIVE, this will split aggro and logi has a hard time keeping up with reps.

Fleet window: Should be open at all times. Broadcast for reps when you START getting shot, don't wait. Ensure the arrows at bottom right are pointing in all 4 directions. This lets everyone see that you are broadcasting.

Incursion Vernacular:

You may hear a few things you have not heard of yet. Here are some vernacular and what they mean

DDD: light drone bunny- Assist all your light drones on to these people. HHH: Heavy Drone Bunny- Assist all your heavy or sentries to these people Anchor: anchor on this person (orbit 1000m) Special Tags: if a target is tagged X,Z,J or some weird shit, don't shoot at it (FC probably said not to already)

Your ship and you Please add this ingame mail “Testicular Incursion” For incursion logi (Guardians) Cap chain is 1 down. Join the Incursion logi channel in MOTD once you are on grid with the FC. Add the other logi pilots to watchlist Inside sites, always keep Sensor Booster and Afterburner on and orbit FC at 1000m. Assign light drones to DDDs.

For Drone Boats (Ishtars, VNIs) Assign Heavies or Sentries to HHHs. Run Remote Sensor Booster on the DDD (yes lock them up and give them Sebows) Inside sites, always keep Remote Sensor Booster and Afterburner on and orbit FC at 1000m. If the words Battle Rep or Battle Cap are said by FC, lock up the friendly that broadcasted and help rep them.

For Links ships (Eos, Myrms) Links up and down as the FC requests. Orbit FC at 1000m. Follow applicable Drone boat instructions unless FC gives clear orders to you. Order of links by precedence is Armor, then Skirm, then Info.

For drone bunnies (Web-loki,Proteus, etc): first, thanks for being a drone bunny, you probably didn't want to but we thank you for doing the job.

DDD: light drone bunny. Orbit the FC at 1000m. Follow this target priority: Niarja, Tama, Schmaeel, Renyn, Eysturs. FC may tag these for you. Web and paint your primary After these are dead follow the HHH targets. HHH: heavy drone bunny. Orbit the FC at 1000m. Follow the numbered targets tagged by FC, web and paint your primary.

Sites that we are running Understand that not always will we be running the same type of sites. There are 3 levels we run, and some ships are not allowed in certain sites.

Headquarters: TCRC > NRF > TPPH Fleet Size: 60 Ships allowed: T2/T3 ships only, no Myrmidons or VNIs (not tanky enough)

Assaults: NCS > > Fleet Size: 30 Ships allowed: All ships

Vanguards: NCO = OTA > NMC Fleet Size: 15 Ships allowed: All ships

training/incursions.1656889178.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/03 22:59 by Koleslaw