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Why bother marketeering? It's the most effective afk ISK generator in the game for one. Once orders are setup, order will continue to execute whether you are online or not. Money money money. In my first year of marketeering I made more than 600b. Not a typo. Read on if that sounds like something you want a piece of.



You can use Excel with Power Query to create ESI calls but I'd still mostly recommend using the above tools.

Evernus Setup

  1. Download and install Evernus using the above link.
  2. Add any market characters you'll be using.
    • Go to file, manage characters

  • Click add on the character manager

  • Add your account info on the EVE SSO log in page.

  • Select your character, and authorize scopes.

  • Copy code from the Evernus callback page that pops up.

  • Add code to the SSO authentication box in Evernus

  • Repeat for how many characters you have.
  1. Most of the preferences are fine how they are set up by default. I'd change these (File→Preferences)
  • Prices→Fast Price Copy →Enabled. I use Ctrl+Right for forward and Ctrl+Left for backwards but set whatever you want. This allows you to cycle between orders very quickly.
  • Prices→Fast Price Copy → Show in EVE on copy → Enabled. This is part of above and lets you cycle orders quickly.
  • Network→ Use HTTP/2 → Disabled. You can keep this enabled but if you get market analysis imports that don't ever finish, turn this off and you'll probably have better success.

jEveAssets setup

  1. Options→Accounts→Add

  1. Select ESI

  1. Keep character selected on authentication unless you need to import your corp assets and have roles. CLick authorize.

  1. Follow through ESI SSO auth as per Evernus.

Skills required

You can start making money with crappy trade skills so don't be afraid to jump in even from the beginning. Injecting trade skills must have the fastest payback of any skill in the entire game.

If the market alt is in a non-player station, then you want to train Broker Relations. If it's not, then you don't need it. Customs code expertise is not required but every other skill is useful. Nothing is more useful than having more slots. Trade→Retail→Wholesale→Tycoon to 5 tops out at just over 300 orders.

The distance buy/sell order skills are more useful in empire space generally so you can take advantage of low tax citadels but they still have their place in null.

Inter-region trading

Buy in one region, sell in another. Seems easy enough right?

Lets take a look at how we might do this.

  • Open Evernus.
  • Go to the market analysis tab
  • Choose the importing tab
  • Import data

  • The regions on the left are where will be queried for orders, the types on the right are which types we will import and check for profitability. Pretty self explanatory. If we wanted to look at t3 subsystems between Jita and Esoteria, select the regions The Forge and Esoteria, and then ship modifications→subsystems.
  • Go to the top of the importing tab, change the source to Jita IV - M4, change the destination to D-PNP9 - D-Pyongyang. Aggregate over # days will change the numbers like volume so they represent # days worth of volume. I use 3 days generally. When I had less capital, I used 1 day because I wanted to spread my capital over as many orders as possible. Price over m3 is the cost of importing per m3 between the two systems. Refer to for official route prices, and the services offered forum for the unofficial ones. For example, 1500isk/m3 is the std rate from Jita to Esoteria at this point, so put 1500 here as we want to check Jita to Eso route. Use 1% for collatera. The buy or sell here is whether your collateral is based on the buy or sell price of the good you are buying. Choose as applicable. You can hide empty sell orders if you're using sell orders for purchases. The remaining (avg volume, price diff, margin) are filters. At the top you will see source price and destination price. Set these to represent where you will be getting your orders from. On a Jita to Eso route, if you're buying in Jita from sell orders? Then set your source as sell. Your destination would be set as sell since Eso doesn't generally have many buy orders set up. I recommend setting up your standard routes under the star button for ease of use.
  • Now you can hit apply and you will get a result like this.

  • Generally, sort by projected profit. Anything with a projected profit over zero is profitable at the current pricing in those systems. Even items with a negative profitability can be profitable because if there is zero destination stock in that item, you can reset the price. Likewise, anything with low stock can be bought out and brought to a more profitable sell price.

jEveAssets stockpile function can be used to make sure we're not overstocking on items that we are already selling or that we have in stock in the destination system, but first we need the information in format that stockpiles like.

Copy the first two columns from Evernus market analysis from items that have sufficient projected profit to excel / google sheets.

Copy the volume from the first column in excel to the second column, and then make sure the numbers are whole numbers.

Now copy this area to clipboard and jump over to jEveAssets. Open stockpile, then import, eve multibuy

Paste your clipboard

Then set up your restrictions for what is counted. I suggest assets and sell orders because eventually you will have items sitting in stock ready to list and you don't want to over order for it.

This will show you what meets the targets you set in green, and red is under-target.

Click on stockpile, then shopping list.

If your shopping list estimated value is more capital than you have, you can modify the values at the top of the shopping list to either scale the volume of each order, or to only order stuff that you have less than X% of the target value left.

This shopping list can be imported directly from the in-game multibuy item to buy from sell orders, or you can go through this list and set up your buy orders. Up to you.

Thoughts on order types

Now, you can just go to the market analysis tab, download all the items for your two regions and go ahead and import all the most profitable. You won't get get a large cut of these orders generally because they are highly competitive and you will get in 0.01 isk wars for them. Stuff further down the list will have less competition, and your orders will stay at the top for longer so you'll get a larger slice. Orders that you come back to after you've been asleep that were executing all night but noone else had anything listed or updated on are money, money, money.

Items to be wary of include large bulky odds like capital mods and fighters because they might seem super profitable especially if there was a temporary drop in the local stock, but local producers can generally make these a lot cheaper than you can pick them up for even if you use buy orders so they can crush the profitability for you and you're stuck with the stock. Cerebral accelerators near their end of life, and salvage / manufacturing items because they don't often get sold through sell orders so you're seeing volume but from the buy side. Time will be your teacher for other items to stay away from.

Listing orders

The margin tool in Evernus makes listing items easy. First we need our item costs loaded to the char we are selling with. For the route above, we would select our Jita alt in Evernus, go the character transaction tab, and select api import.

Select all the buy transactions we just made then right click, add to item costs for: then select your destination seller character. Note, this does not yet add the import cost for the item so keep that in mind when listing especially if you selected large mods.

Once you get your items to destination, you can select all the items for sale, click sell items and they will show up in multi-sell.

Open the margin tool in Evernus (ctrl+m), select data source tab then select prefer custom item costs

This will make the price you paid for the item show up in the buy area of the margin tool so when you go to each item in the multi-sell and select export to file and the margin tool will tell you what margin you will be making on the item at the current sell price.

Updating orders

Open your market tab in game

Export your orders

Import file orders in Evernus, character orders.

Import orders from web

Sort your orders by price difference low to high

Select your first order that is outbid. Press your fast copy forward button that you setup at the beginning. This will open the item in the market browser in game and the new price for the item will have been copied to your clipboard, so you can just hit modify order, paste and the price is updated. Hit your next order button and repeat. It will look like this.

Each order only takes a few seconds.

Once you get past the 0.01 isk outbids, you have to start asking whether or not you should actually update your order. You will come up with your own rules but generally, if the market is already low margin, and the out bid is from a low volume, then you wouldn't bother outbidding again, whereas small outbids on high margin orders are an auto rebid.

Here, I will outbid the two undercuts above me, but not the single quantity at the lower price.

Relisting/export opportunities

Before we go too far, familiarise yourself with the relisting rules here.

Above I showed the route from importing items from high-sec to Esoteria. The same process can be completed for exporting items, or relisting items in our staging where they have been listed under Jita price. You set up the import the same except you reverse the source and destination and generally I switch the destination price to buy rather than sell orders.

Let's see what type of results we get.

This is just looking at a small subset of the market.

Now, the projected profit is listed for if you could sell using the destinations volume, not how many are actually available at the source but even still there is profit to be made.

The first 3 orders could all be relisted or bought, exported, or you might use it as an opportunity to react using cheap materials and make even more money off the reacted materials by using them in manufacturing.

Let's take an export situation. After exporting fees, transaction taxes, you can make about 225m on a 540m cost total. That's a pretty nice tick right there.

Other market opportunties

Above we worked on a route from Jita to our staging in Esoteria, and in relisting we talking about running the reverse route, or restocking our Esoteria market with underpriced orders, but this is not the only place we can do inter-region trading.

Market hubs to market hubs are very profitable and while services like PushX exist, the 'Haulers Channel' in-game has people who will run these routes for absolute peanuts. Check their MOTD in the game for a hauling calculator and then you can even undercut that and your stuff will still move quickly. When I'm doing buy orders for shipping out of Jita and using a low-tax citadel, these are my go-to for getting the items back to Jita for shipping.

Also, many people will pod back to their school headquarters to load up on skill books, but not all skill books are available in these systems. People are lazy, so take advantage and ship books from npc sellers to these school headquarters and sell at inflated prices.

A note on citadel region order mechanics

While you can set up a region-wide, or x-jump, buy orders in a citadel, they will not execute when people sell at other citadels at that price within your set jump range; they only work in other stations within the region. So if you were in Catch putting up salvage buy orders, a buy order in U-Q Keepstar for the region will not capture people selling salvage in GE- unless they are selling at the station. You will need orders at GE- Fort and any other little hubs that you might want to grab salvage from. Trade skill Procurement is useful here. Likewise, if you're deciding you want to start buying Jita buy value instead of buying from sell orders, placing orders in the low-tax havens here will allow you to still grab orders from Jita, but sells in other citadels than your buy orders will not work.

Buy order reference price checking (custom station)

Ok, so you've set up a whole bunch of buy orders and some time has passed. The market has probably shifted. Short of going through each order one by one, how to do we check that our orders are staying in line with Jita (or some other reference station?).

Evernus allows you to set a custom station for your orders, so rather than return the price difference of the station the buy order is in (or sell order for that matter), you can set a custom station to have the price checked against there instead. In this case, if we wanted to check our Esoteria buy orders against a Jita reference price for sanity, select all your buy orders, then right click “set custom station”

and then follow the dialog to select Jita IV - Moon 4 and hit ok. Run an import prices via web update and the prices returned for your buy orders will now match Jita buy orders. Anything with a negative number is overpriced compared to Jita. Do note that the red highlighting for overbid items now refers to Jita orders and not the actual location of the buy order so you will have to remove the custom station to get back to normal. To do that right click menu and “set custom station” and select no specific station again.

Adding new citadels

Evernus relies on hammertime api for its citadels, which is no longer being updated that I can see, so you will have to add your own citadels occasionally.

Open the citadel manager

Add citadel

Get the citadel id using copy from in-game

Add information to the citadel entry.

training/guides/marketeering.1536804948.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/13 02:15 by zductiv