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training:game_mechanics:skills [2017/02/16 22:21]
training:game_mechanics:skills [2017/04/29 01:05]
NTchrist Page moved from corps:dronv:sl1de:training:game_mechanics:skills to training:game_mechanics:skills
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 =====Overview===== =====Overview=====
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 Despite what you may have heard, this does not lend an unfair advantage to older players; there are only so many skills that will affect any particular ship. A player who has played for 2 years might be able to fly the fearsome, projectile-turret-oriented [[eve:​ships:​battleships:​maelstrom|Maelstrom]] battleship near-perfectly,​ but they might be outclassed while flying the missile-oriented [[eve:​ships:​cruisers:​caracal|Caracal]] Cruiser by a 3-month-old newbie who has trained the relevant skills higher. Despite what you may have heard, this does not lend an unfair advantage to older players; there are only so many skills that will affect any particular ship. A player who has played for 2 years might be able to fly the fearsome, projectile-turret-oriented [[eve:​ships:​battleships:​maelstrom|Maelstrom]] battleship near-perfectly,​ but they might be outclassed while flying the missile-oriented [[eve:​ships:​cruisers:​caracal|Caracal]] Cruiser by a 3-month-old newbie who has trained the relevant skills higher.
 ---- ----
-====How do skills work==== 
-EVE has this super cool training queue system that allows you to queue up multiple skills to train consecutively. As of Phoebe there is no limit to how many skills can be placed in the skill queue, but one limitation you will run into is that in order to place a skill in the queue, you must have its prerequisite skills trained already. You cannot work around this by putting your prerequisites before it, you have to have the relevant skills completed before you can place the skill in the queue. For example, if I want to train Covert Ops I, I require Electronics Upgrade V as a prerequisite. EVE will not allow me to add Covert Ops I to the queue until I've completely trained Electronics Upgrade V. 
-Every skill has 5 levelseach taking longer ​to train than the last. For example, level 1 of a skill might take 250 Skillpoints (SP) and about 15 minutes ​to train (training at 1000 SP/Hour), but level 2 would require 1500 SP and about an hour and a half, and so on. (Generally) having ​a skill at Level 1 means you've trained it to beginner levels, while Level 5 means you have it completely trained. For most skills, level 3 or 4 is a good compromise between effectiveness and time spent training. Training level 5 in a skill can take days, weeks, or in some cases months to train, I recommend newer players stick to training to level 3 or 4 until they decide where to specialize (except in some cases).+=====Training Times===== 
 +Sohow is the time it takes you to train a particular ​skill calculated? The number of skill points necessary ​to train a skill is determined by the skill's rank, also known as its training time multiplier, while the rate at which you get new skill points ​is determined by your attributes.\\ 
-Skill points ​are preserved if you suddenly decide ​to start training ​different ​skill, ​the progress you made will be there when you come back to it.+The base numbers of skill points ​(SP) required ​to train a skill with a training time multiplier of 1x (like Navigationfor example) go like this: 
 +  * Level I: 250 
 +  * Level II: 1,414 
 +  * Level III: 8,000 
 +  * Level IV: 45,255 
 +  * Level V: 256,000
----- +When training from one level to the next you start with the skill points you accumulated training the previous level so, for example, if you start training Navigation IV, you will already have 8,000 SP in the skill and will need to train 37,255 more SP to move from III to IV.\\  
-====Training Times==== + 
-Training rate for any particular skill is determined by its primary and secondary modifying [[training:​game_mechanics:​attributes|attributes]]For example, most Gunnery skills have Perception / Willpower. Your training time for any given skill is related ​to your attributes ​in those two modifiersspecifically by the equation:\\ +If a skill has a training multiplier higher than 1, the numbers of SP required for each level are multiplied by that number. So, for example, Evasive Maneuvering has a training time multiplier of 2x, and you need to accumulate 500 SP (250 x 2) to train it to I, 2,828 SP to train it to II and so forth.\\  
-''​Points per minute = (primary ​attribute + secondary ​attribute/2)''​\\ + 
-In order to train faster, you must increase ​your modifying attributes; ​there are currently two ways to do this.+The better the benefits of a skill or the equipment it lets you use, the higher its training time multiplier, or '​rank'​ as it's sometimes called, tends to be. Amarr Titan, for example, has a x16 training multiplier ​-- you need to accumulate 4,096,000 SP to train it to V. 
 +<WRAP center round box 60%> 
 +Skill Points = 250 * Multiplier * sqrt(32)^(Level-1) 
 +Another way to increase your character'​s ​attributes ​is through plugging implants into your headThe first five numbered slots on your character sheet'​s Augmentations window are for attribute enhancers, implants which each give a bonus (from +1 to +5) to one of your five attributes. Unfortunatelyif your pod is destroyed all your implants in the clone piloting it are destroyed as well.\\  
 +The +1/2/3 implants are relatively cheap and you only need to train Cybernetics I to use them, so it's worth investing in these as soon as you can as, even with the smaller bonuses, they reduce training time by a significant amount. Storyline missions sometimes offer an implant as a reward so if you're running missions you may find yourself collecting some implants. Members of EVE University can also take advantage of the Implant Program to buy significantly discounted +3 implants.\\  
 +Do note that there are also slot 1-5 implants ​(sometimes known as Pirate Implants) that also provide other bonuses, in addition to attribute ​increases. While these are usually more expensive, do check the markets carefully, as sometimes some "​Low-Grade"​ ones, which are +2 to an attribute, are occasionally less expensive than the equivalent +implant ("​Limited <​type>​ - Beta"). See the list here. 
 +If you're podded any implants you are wearing will be destroyed - you can set up a jump clone with cheaper implants, or no implants at all, and jump into it when you want to PvP to lower the amount of ISK you're putting at risk.\\  
 +Since the more powerful +4 and +5 implants can be quite expensive, particularly for a newer pilot, one common trick is to arrange your skill plan so that you're only training skills which rely on the same two attributesand then only plug in attribute enhancers for those two attributes. This way you only have to pay for two implants rather than four or five.\\  
 +The advantage of implants is that they require minimal training time (Cybernetics only), giving you an immediate boost to training time which can quickly add up to months of time saved. The disadvantage is their cost, coupled with the fact that they are lost if your pod is killed 
 +====Cerebral Accelerators==== 
 +Occasionally ​there are in game events like the Crimson Harvest that yield cerebral accelerators,​ which are consumed like boosters and give temporary bonuses ​to all five of a character'​s attributes. These only last a short time, and have a cut off date some time after the in game event after which they will no longer have any effect. 
 +|Blood Raider Cerebral Accelerator|+10| 24 hours|Crimson Harvest| 
 +|Advanced Blood Raider Cerebral Accelerator|+12|:::​|:::​| 
 +|Copper Ouroboros Accelerator|+10|12 hours|Shadow of the Serpent| 
 +|Silver Ouroboros Accelerator|:::​|72 hours|:::​| 
 +|Gold Ouroboros Accelerator|:::​|120 hours|:::​| 
 +====Neural Remapping==== 
 +Neural remapping doesn'​t let you boost your attributes overall, but it lets you take points away from one base attribute score and add them to another. The remap interface can be accessed through the Attributes tab of your Character Sheet. 
 +<WRAP center round alert 60%> 
 +Remapping can have long-term consequences. Make sure you know what you're doing! 
 +There are a number of rules governing remapping:​ 
 +  - You get a "​normal"​ remap once a year. 
 +  - The year timer begins once you use the remap, not when it is granted. 
 +  - You can also have '​bonus'​ remaps. Two of these are granted when you start. 
 +  - If you have both normal and bonus remaps available then the normal remap will be used first. 
 +  - Once you have used your normal remap and bonus remaps you must wait for the yearly timer to expire to remap again, so plan carefully! 
 +  - An attribute'​s base score may not be raised above 27 or lowered below 17 (the default score for an ability is 19 or 20). 
 +  - Any points taken off one attribute must be added to another -- they cannot be 'left over' when you finish remapping.
-===Implants=== +The common strategy for remapping is to put together a long-term skill plan which majors on skills which use a particular two attributes, ​and then remap so that you denude all your other attribute scores ​and pump up those two attributes.\\ 
-[[eve:​implants_and_boosters:​implants|Implants]] are items that you plug into your character'​s clone in order to increase certain ​attributes. Rememberimplants stay in your current body - if you jump clone out your implants will stay behind in your old body, and if you get pod-killed you will lose the implants currently in your head.\\ +
-[[training:​test_free|Test Free]] typically gives out sets of +1 attribute implants, and it is not a bad idea to constantly have one of these sets plugged in.+
-===Neural Remapping=== +If you create a long skill plan in EveMon, you can use one of the options of its '​Optimize Attributes'​ function ​to calculate which arrangement ​of attributes would be best for the first year of your planHoweverif you'​re ​new to the game your future career plans are quite likely ​to change ​as you explore ​the game, so making a year long plan after a few weeks isn't very realisticBe frugal with your remaps ​for a little while until you get an idea for what you want to do.
-When you start out, you have 1 standard remap and 2 bonus remaps available. A remap is what it sounds like, it allows you to re-allocate all of your base attribute points. You should use your standard remap within ​the first few months ​of playing EVE (ask in [[training:​deedeereddit|deedeereddit]] for useful remaps for what you would like to train)After using your standard remap, you will not get a new one for 365 days. In addition you can use your 2 bonus remaps ​to change ​your attribute points anytime and completely independent ​to your standard remap. Using a bonus remap, DOES NOT change the counter of your standard remapIt is imperative that you do not waste your remaps. Use EVEMon and get help from someone in deedeereddit when choosing how and when to remap.+
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 |Rigging|Contains skills that reduce the penalties or drawbacks that come with attaching [[eve:​ship_modifications:​rigs]] to your ship| |Rigging|Contains skills that reduce the penalties or drawbacks that come with attaching [[eve:​ship_modifications:​rigs]] to your ship|
 |Social|Contains skills that determine how fast or how slow you can change [[training:​game_mechanics:​faction_standings|Faction Standing]] with other factions throughout Eve| |Social|Contains skills that determine how fast or how slow you can change [[training:​game_mechanics:​faction_standings|Faction Standing]] with other factions throughout Eve|
-|Fleet Support|Contains skills that allow you to use Command Ships to [[training:​fleet_booster:​start|boost the abilities]] of friendly ships|+|Fleet Support|Contains skills that allow you to use Command Ships to [[training:​pvp_ship_roles:​fleet_booster:​start|boost the abilities]] of friendly ships|
 |Corporation Management|Contains skills that allow you run Corporations,​ Alliances, and manage their size (Like TEST)| |Corporation Management|Contains skills that allow you run Corporations,​ Alliances, and manage their size (Like TEST)|
 |Trade|Contains skills that manipulate the [[training:​game_mechanics:​market|Market]]| |Trade|Contains skills that manipulate the [[training:​game_mechanics:​market|Market]]|
-|Neural Enhancement|Contains skills for [[eve:​implants_and_boosters:​implants|implants]],​[[training:​game_mechanics:​jump_clones|Jump Clones]], and [[eve:​implants_and_boosters:​medical_boosters|Medical Boosters]]|+|Neural Enhancement|Contains skills for [[eve:​implants_and_boosters:​implants|Implants]], [[training:​game_mechanics:​jump_clones|Jump Clones]], and [[eve:​implants_and_boosters:​medical_boosters|Medical Boosters]]|
 |Production|Contains skills that allow you [[eve:​industry:​manufacturing:​start|create all the items of Eve]]| |Production|Contains skills that allow you [[eve:​industry:​manufacturing:​start|create all the items of Eve]]|
 |Science|Contains skills that allow you do [[eve:​industry:​research:​start]] and [[eve:​industry:​invention:​start]]| |Science|Contains skills that allow you do [[eve:​industry:​research:​start]] and [[eve:​industry:​invention:​start]]|
training/game_mechanics/skills.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/25 20:28 by Fof