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training:game_mechanics:chat_channels [2024/11/02 18:56]
Waffles_McSpanky [Intel Channels]
training:game_mechanics:chat_channels [2024/11/02 18:56] (current)
Waffles_McSpanky [Intel Channels]
Line 14: Line 14:
 =====Intel Channels===== =====Intel Channels=====
 ^ Channel ^ Description ^ ^ Channel ^ Description ^
-<​del>​| **TEST Intel Channel** | Intel Channel for our home region |</​del>​ Post Intel in the WC channels instead+<​del>​| **TEST Intel Channel** | Intel Channel for our home region |</​del>​ Post Intel in the appropriate ​WC channels instead
 | **WC.West** | Intel Channel for Winter Coalition: Deklein & Pure Blind areas | Shared with other WC members living in the region | | **WC.West** | Intel Channel for Winter Coalition: Deklein & Pure Blind areas | Shared with other WC members living in the region |
 | **WC.North** | Intel Channel for Winter Coalition: Venal, Branch, & Tenal areas | Shared with other WC members living in the region | | **WC.North** | Intel Channel for Winter Coalition: Venal, Branch, & Tenal areas | Shared with other WC members living in the region |
training/game_mechanics/chat_channels.1730573801.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/02 18:56 by Waffles_McSpanky