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training:eso_fleet [2019/06/08 16:07]
Panther_Seraphin [About it]
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-===The Esoteria Standing Fleet=== ​ 
-Since the patch of 9 April 2019 we had to change the umbrella mechanics of the Esoteria Standing Fleet. It is now clear that we have to take the whole thing more seriously. Therefore, read the wiki entry exactly to get up to date! 
-> **<color #​7092be>​ESF GUIDE</​color>​** <​sub>//​if you are new to Test, start here!//</​sub>​ 
-  - [[training:​eso_fleet#​About it|About it]] 
-  - [[training:​eso_fleet#​How_to_join|How to join]] 
-  - [[training:​eso_fleet#​Communication Notes|Communication Notes]]**<​color #​ed1c24>​!</​color>​** 
-> **<color #​7092be>​ESF MANAGEMENT GUIDE</​color>​** <​sub>//​if you are interested to create or help the ESF!//</​sub>​ 
-  - [[training:​eso_fleet#​Fleet Boss ABC|Fleet Boss ABC]] 
-  - [[training:​eso_fleet#​Fleet Setup Notes|Fleet Setup Notes]] 
-  - [[training:​eso_fleet#​Fleet Composition|Fleet Composition]] 
-  - [[training:​eso_fleet#​Proper Rorqual Save Procedures|Proper Rorqual Save Procedures]] 
-  - [[training:​eso_fleet#​Umbrella Status Explanation|Umbrella Status Explanation]] 
-  - [[training:​eso_fleet#​Final Words|Final Words]] 
-> **<color #​7092be>​GOOD LINKS</​color>​** <​sub>//​to improve your survival!//</​sub>​ 
-  * [[http://​​map/​Esoteria/​D-PNP9:​D-PNP9,​E1UU-3,​G-YZUX,​6EK-BV,​BY-MSY,​CZ6U-1,​P-3XVV,​V-XANH,​F-UVBV,​A1-AUH,​TEIZ-C,​R-FM0G,​OIOM-Y,​VUAC-Y,​Q0OH-V,​V1ZC-S,​5-9UXZ,​A5MT-B,​DNEP-Y,​XKZ8-H,​111-F1,​NIZJ-0,​Z-MO29,​PE-H02,​450I-W,​J-RVGD,​H-T40Z,​X-7BIX,​G-JC9R,​IR-FDV,​JD-TYH,​SN9S-N,​WX-6UX,​H-YHYM,​16P-PX,​6-TYRX,​DIBH-Q,​CR-0E5,​C9N-CC,​BZ-0GW,​Q1-R7K,​DL-CDY,​YAP-TN,​G-4H4C,​Z-Y9C3,​D-FVI7,​DTX8-M,​02V-BK,​X-HISR,​HHE5-L,​29YH-V,​KSM-1T,​HAJ-DQ,​JAUD-V,​R-ARKN,​QS-530,​VR-YRV,​0-O6XF,​C-VZAK,​VL7-60,​LG-RO2,​4-OUKF,​RBW-8G#​const|Umbrella Range Map (Dotlan)]] <​sup>//​Systems without Borders are not within the Range!//</​sup>​ 
-  * [[https://​​|DSCAN Pastebin]] 
-  * [[https://​​|TEST Intelmap]] 
-  * [[https://​​login|TEST Signature Report]] 
-  * [[http://​​near/​|Near 2 Intel]] <​sup>//​powerful 3rd Party Tool//</​sup>​ 
-=====About it===== 
-This fleet should has its own defense which makes it possible to secure each other. However, this requires various ships in advance in the ESF who are ready to respond to cries for help // (Rorqual tackled, NPC Dread Spawn, Enemy tackled...)//​. This means that optimal protection is only possible if enough ships are present! Therefore, please always join in the appropriate category of the fleet to provide an overview. 
-Another important point is to name the definition of this defense. In that case we call the whole "​**Umbrella**"​. {{ :​training:​system_jammed.png?​nolink|}}The Umbrella are the ships within the ESF that are ready to jump to a cynosural field within D-PNP9 range. **Furthermore,​ it is now important that enough subcaps are ready** to bridge over a Titan in D-P to the destination ([[training:​eso_fleet#​fleet_composition|Read more]]). At Dotlan you can see all systems that are in range. They are highlighted by a black frame! ([[http://​​map/​Esoteria/​D-PNP9:​D-PNP9,​E1UU-3,​G-YZUX,​6EK-BV,​BY-MSY,​CZ6U-1,​P-3XVV,​V-XANH,​F-UVBV,​A1-AUH,​TEIZ-C,​R-FM0G,​OIOM-Y,​VUAC-Y,​Q0OH-V,​V1ZC-S,​5-9UXZ,​A5MT-B,​DNEP-Y,​XKZ8-H,​111-F1,​NIZJ-0,​Z-MO29,​PE-H02,​450I-W,​J-RVGD,​H-T40Z,​X-7BIX,​G-JC9R,​IR-FDV,​JD-TYH,​SN9S-N,​WX-6UX,​H-YHYM,​16P-PX,​6-TYRX,​DIBH-Q,​CR-0E5,​C9N-CC,​BZ-0GW,​Q1-R7K,​DL-CDY,​YAP-TN,​G-4H4C,​Z-Y9C3,​D-FVI7,​DTX8-M,​02V-BK,​X-HISR,​HHE5-L,​29YH-V,​KSM-1T,​HAJ-DQ,​JAUD-V,​R-ARKN,​QS-530,​VR-YRV,​0-O6XF,​C-VZAK,​VL7-60,​LG-RO2,​4-OUKF,​RBW-8G#​const|Click here for Dotlan Map]]) **Get sure that there is no Cyno Jammer active** (see picture). 
-Sometimes there are two Esoteria fleets due to lack of space (max. 256). Please do not ask the Fleet Boss to throw others out when the fleet is full. It does not matter which fleet you are in. The umbrella also applies to ESF 2,3... 
-**Please read the motd directly after joining the fleet**. First of all, check the status of the Umbrella and the related information. Below the three standard definitions that could be set as umbrella status: 
-  - **<color #​ed1c24>​RED</​color>​** //no Mining/​Ratting allowed, read Motd Info and Pings!//{{ :​training:​umbrella-status_example.png?​nolink|}} 
-  - <color #​ffc90e>​**AMBER**</​color>​ //may not protected, read Motd Info and run at your own risk!// 
-  - **<color #​22b14c>​GREEN</​color>​** //​protection should be fine but get sure you are in comms// 
-[[training:​eso_fleet#​umbrella_status_explanation|Click here]] to learn more about the status of the Umbrella. **A fleet of under 100 people may can not have a good umbrella protection.** Even if the status is green you should always check Mumble if there is a Fleet Commander and enough ready PVP ships available. 
-<WRAP center round important 70%> 
-Since the April 9th 2019 the Umbrella mechanics changed! [[training:​eso_fleet#​fleet_composition|Clicke here]] to check the new Fleet Composition. 
-Please try to actively contribute that the ESF is not to full. The umbrella only benefits those who have equipped a cyno! 
-**I refer here to Cornak Firefist'​s statement:​** "//​Please aim to have fleet at around 210 max//"​. In this case, simply join the next possible Esoteria Fleet ([[training:​eso_fleet#​Fleet Boss ABC|Fleet Boss ABC]]). 
-=====How to join===== 
-To join the ESF, open your fleet menu and search for "ESO STANDING"​ Fleet Name. Get sure your **Scope** is set to **My Alliance Fleets**. 
-In the example above, there are two ESF. If you use a smaller ship without Cyno then you better enter the ESF 2 if it exists. Else just join the ESF 1 and hope that it's not full. [[training:​eso_fleet#​Fleet Boss ABC|Click here]] if you want to learn how to create a ESF in case the existing one is full. 
-After joining the fleet, switch to Wing > Squad where you fit in! This is important to give the other members a quick overview. Means if you are a Rorqual, you may go to CRABBING Wing and search a free Squad you want to use. You can move your self by right-click on your name on local chat and go to: //Fleet > Move Member > choose yourself!// 
-<WRAP center round important 50%> 
-**Please always leave the ESF if you are going AFK or leaving Esoteria! Docked and out of Range Pilots may get kicked out of the Fleet.** 
-=====Communication Notes===== 
-A good communication is urgently needed for a protective measure. Therefore, read carefully what you have to consider in case of a call for help. If you need help, first write one of the keywords in the Fleet Channel: 
-  * <color #​ff7f27>​**XXX**</​color> ​  //​I'​m tackled// 
-  * <color #​ff7f27>​**WWW**</​color> ​  //​Hostile tackled// 
-  * <color #​ff7f27>​**DDD**</​color> ​  //NPC Dread Spawn// 
-  * <color #​ff7f27>​**AAA**</​color> ​  //​abort request// 
-**Mumble Channel:** Root > Test Alliance Please Refer All Questions To Our Lawyers > Non Military Fleets > Fleet 6 - Dunning Kruger Platoon 
-After you called for help, speak up on Comms and report all needed informations. The ESF uses the TEST Alliance Mumble Server Channel called //Fleet 6 - Dunning Kruger Platoon//. Make sure you speak loud and clear and get the attention of the people present in the channel! It is not a problem to interrupt active conversations for that. Please use your shout key only for emergencies! If you feel that no one is responding, you can also make an additional emergency call in Alliance or TEST Intel Chat! 
-**//​Procedure for tackled Rorquals//​** 
-  - scoop your Mining Drones 
-  - activate your Cynosural Field Generator 
-  - make sure you are on comms //(read communication notes from above)// 
-  - activate the Panic Mode if needed 
-  - **Ping @DDFC in Discord as soon as possible** 
-  - Report to ddfc what is tackling you and number of hostiles in local 
-  - follow the instructions on comms 
-[[training:​eso_fleet#​proper_rorqual_save_procedures|Click here to read more about the Proper Rorqual Save Procedures]] 
-or/and may also read the [[training:​eso_fleet#​umbrella_status_explanation|Umbrella Status Explanation]]. 
-**Useful communication tools** 
-  * [[https://​​|DSCAN Pastebin]] 
-  * [[https://​​|TEST Intelmap]] 
-  * [[https://​​login|TEST Signature Report]] 
-//<color #​22b14c>​Quote from Cornak Firefist</​color>//​ 
-> //Much like with fleet bosses, comms is not like an ordinary standing fleet. The absolute focus is on being alert for drops, if someone speaks up about anything, intel, drops, being tackled, whatever, shut up. Don't be talking about random shit when we're dropping a trillion isk onto the field. That's a classic dick move. If someone yells check, stop talking. Intel, stop talking. Any questions, anything about the fleet, stop talking. If you want to talk the whole time, just sit in bacon bar and hop over to Fleet 6 when you get tackled. Also, on a related note, use your whisper keys unless it's critical info like drops or whatever. This is still a fleet comms channel, there'​s literally no reason not to use your whisper key. People who want to only hear key stuff relevant to the fleet are in the subchannels,​ they don't want to hear about how tiny your dick is or whatever you're on about. Just because it's not a pinged fleet doesn'​t mean you should forget everything you've ever known about mumble.//​ 
-=====Fleet Boss ABC===== 
-**<color #​ff7f27>​A.</​color>​** This is not your daddy'​s standing fleet where everyone is AFK and the only thing that matters is having the advert up. If you aren't at your computer, don't be fleet boss. If you don't have the confidence to manage the ESF correctly, don't be fleet boss. If you go AFK, immediately hand off fleet boss. Never ever let the fleet boss be AFK, if you think the boss is AFK, try to get a hold of them, if they don't respond, make a new fleet ASAP. 
-**<color #​ff7f27>​B.</​color>​** In this, the role of fleet boss is key. You're responsible for managing your fleet comp and drops. If you aren't able to do this, don't be fleet boss. Read the [[training:​eso_fleet#​fleet_composition|Fleet Composition]],​ [[training:​eso_fleet#​proper_rorqual_save_procedures|Proper Rorqual Save Procedures]] and the [[training:​eso_fleet#​umbrella_status_explanation|Umbrella Status Explanation]] to make sure you are doing it right! If you are not sure yet and are still Fleet Boss, keep the Umbrella Status on "​Amber"​ or even "​Red"​ and try to find a suitable Fleet Boss. 
-**<color #​ff7f27>​C.</​color>​** Another big concern that gets brought up is numbers. Fleets are capped at 256, and we have a lot of rorqs and stuff, and you want room to be able to move in PVP Ships. Aim to have fleet at around 210 max. There are several ways you can manage this. 
-  * One option is to sort out VNI ships. However, Cyno VNI can be one of them and we do not want to throw them out. Cyno VNIs, especially with bait, are fantastic to have in fleet, since most dudes don't suspect the VNI, which has led to some sweet kills since they'​ve been running more and more inties now that Eso Standing is around. However, if they don't have a cyno, they'​re just taking up space. Every hour or so, take a looksee at the fleet comp window. If there are any VNIs/​ishtars/​deadfish in fleet, just ask in comms one by one if they have a cyno. If they don't reply or don't have a cyno, boot them from fleet. 
-  * The next way to keep numbers down is range checks. You can sort fleet comp by system, so just do that and boot everyone outside of D-P range. They can't cyno you in, so they shouldn'​t be in fleet. Pow pow chuck em out. 
-=====Fleet Setup Notes===== 
-You should not create an ESF if you do not have the template. You can simply copy the template from an existing ESF. 
-Just click on the Fleet menu (as shown in the picture) and select "​**Store Fleet Setup**"​. 
-There are currently many different setups of Esoteria Standing fleets. To reduce this in the future, version numbers were introduced which are at the beginning of the MOTD. Therefore always try to have the most up-to-date setup saved. 
-**Below are screenshots of how such a setup should look like**. However, since manual creation is quite a hassle, it would be better to copy the setup of an existing fleet. We created the Channel **<color #​c8bfe7>​ESF_SETUP</​color>​** (Alliance Access) for that to share the setups. Just ask in the channel if someone can create a fleet with current setup and invites you. //Sometimes there are also ESF Setup Template fleets which you can join to save the current version.// 
-<color #​7092be>​**last seen Version of the Setup: 6.0**</​color>​ <​sup>//​The following screenshot may differ from the current version!//</​sup>​ 
-It's possible to copy & paste the MOTD from below. The whole squads in the wings you can only enter manually if you do not want to import a setup __like told above__. Below an example list. But without formatting, the whole thing looks pretty ugly 8-) 
-**<color #​7092be>​MOTD CODE</​color>​** 
-<font size="​12"​ color="#​bfffffff"></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff000000">​.<​br></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ff007fff"><​b><​i>​ESO STANDING FLEET &​lt;​ESF>​ </​i></​font><​font size="​9"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​Version:​ 6.0 (04/19 by </​font><​font size="​9"​ color="#​ffd98d00"><​a href="​showinfo:​1385//​1113688463">​BT</​a></​font><​font size="​9"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​)<​br><​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​bfffffff"><​i>​You need to read and understand the</​b>​ </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffe400"><​a href="​http://​​training:​eso_fleet">​ESF WIKI ENTRY</​a></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2"><​b>​ else nobody can help you! Keep in Range of the ESF Umbrella (</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffe400"><​loc><​a href="​http://​​2B7l9BX">​DOTLAN MAP</​a></​loc></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​) and listen to the </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff6868e1"><​a href="​joinChannel:​player_-81260614//​None//​None">​TEST Intel Channel</​a></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​. Systems <​u>​without Borders</​u>​ are <​u>​not</​u>​ within the Umbrella Range.</​i><​br><​br></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ff00ffff">​Umbrella Status:<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffff0000">​RED</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff"> ​   </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2"><​i>​no mining/​ratting allowed, check for pings!</​i><​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​AMBER</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​ <​i>​may not protected, run at your own risk!</​i><​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ff00">​GREEN </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2"><​i>​protection should be fine!</​i><​br><​br></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ff00ffff">​Umbrella Keywords:<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​XXX</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffff0000"> ​ </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">​ : </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​I'​m tackled<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​WWW</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">​ : </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​Hostile tackled<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​DDD</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ff00"> ​ </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">​ : </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​NPC Dread Spawn<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​AAA </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ff00">​ </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">​ : </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​abort request<​br><​br><​i>​After you called for help follow the </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffe400"><​a href="​http://​​training:​eso_fleet#​communication_notes">​ESF Wiki Communication Notes</​a></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​ and speak up on Mumble (</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ffff">​Non Military Fleets > Fleet 6</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​). </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffff0000">​Please exit this Fleet </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​before you go AFK or leaving Esoteria!</​i><​br><​br></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ff007fff">​★★★ DO NOT FEED, USE A CYNO</​b>​™<​b>​ ★★★</​b><​br><​br></​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​Current Info:</​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ffffff00"><​b>​ </​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ffffffff">​new fleet, low protection!</​b><​br></​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​Umbrella Status:</​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​bfffffff">​ </​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​ffffff00">​AMBER</​font>​ 
-**<color #​7092be>​WINGS & SQUADS</​color>​** 
-<color #​ed1c24>​**Get sure to be in one of the squads within the **__LOBBY__** as squad command**</​color>​ due all new members will automatically join you. Last but not least you have to set up an advert now. In the following screenshot you can see the basic settings that should be made. The option to create an advert can be found in the same menu as saving a Fleet Setup from above. 
-Depending on whether you are doing the ESF 1 or 2 please adjust the name of the Fleet. If you want such a glittering description,​ you can copy the following code into the description. 
-<​code><​color=0xFFff6633><​b><​i>​better be inside!</​i></​b></​color></​code>​ 
-If you are sure that all settings have been made, you can create the advert. Now everything should be done and your ESF Fleet is created. Just make sure you put your character in the Entry Squad as a commander! 
-<WRAP center round important 60%> 
-**Please take care in good time before you have to go AFK or offline to find a new reliable Fleet Boss!** 
-=====Fleet Composition===== 
-The April 9th 2019 patch has made us seriously reconsider the fits we use on our capitals in Esoteria, as well as the subcaps, and as such we are making a lot changes. ​ It’s most important to remember we are an armour capital force in Esoteria more than anything. 
-**The primary weapon of our save fleets will be **__Armour Carriers__** and **__HAW Dreads__**. We will also be using subcap fleets pretty extensively**,​ which for now will be __Megabhallers__ and __Harpys__. We are phasing out __Hurricanes__ in Esoteria in favor of another armour doctrine to be named at a later date (likely Harbingers). ​ 
-[[military:​doctrines:​start|Click here to open the list of everything you need to have in Esoteria]] 
-**<color #​7092be>​Have the following Ships ready in D-PNP9</​color>​** 
-  * Megabhallers Fleet 
-  * Harpy Fleet 
-**<color #​7092be>​Have proper capital fits ready in D-PNP9</​color>​** 
-  * ARMOUR carriers (Thanatos, Archon, Nidhoggur), with refits.\\ //The Wiki also lists the standard Esoteria fighter bay pre-load, which is different from normal fighter bay pre-loads. Please make sure to have that at all times.// ​ 
-  * Armour Fleet FAX (Apostle Prefered) 
-  * HAW dreads (with the proper rigs from the wiki fits).\\ //If you have bomb dreads that’s fine, but HAW dreads are pretty critical. ​ All HAW dreads need to have T1 close range anti-capital guns sitting in your items hanger just in case we need to refit them, even though the rigs won’t allow you to go to a standard bomb dread fit// 
-  * Master Race FAX (Minokawas, Ninazus, Apostles) 
-**<color #​7092be>​Esoteria Armour Supers</​color>​** 
-As you all know, the Armour super fleet is staged in Esoteria as home defense for now.  We’re aware that there have been a lot of issues with this. The current requirements to get into the Armour super fleet are high, and a lot of you have armour supers but are not in the Armour Super group. ​ All I’ll say now is that we recognize this is an issue and we’re working on it. In the meantime we’re not going to change the situation with our supers in Esoteria. You need to continue to work to get your Armour supers into the Armour super group for Esoteria home defense. We will use the armour supers where appropriate however it is no longer a drop supers win meta in the home defense aspect. 
-**The other big thing that needs to happen is that the ratting Hels really need to start to phase out.** ​ This doesn’t need to happen right away, but over time you Hel pilots need to get switched into a Nyx instead. ​ The Nyx is better for ratting than the Hel anyway. Cross train into the Nyx with that pilot and it will also allow you be able to eventually join the armour group. Having to keep a bunch of shield FAX in Esoteria because we have 8-10 Hels trying to drop with us every time is really straining us in a variety of ways. 
-**<color #​7092be>​Clone Management</​color>​** 
-We’re at war, and death clones are staged in 08-N.  Because of this, it’s important that you avoid using your jumpclone unless absolutely called for.  When going to rat or mine in Esoteria, fly down from 08-N using our jumpbridge highway. Remember, it’s super easy to get back to 08-N by deathcloning,​ and we need the ability to form full fleets out of 08-N at any moment, so staying in Eso is not really a bad thing as long as you are able to deathclone back quickly. 
-> //text parts by Jon Hun// 
-=====Proper Rorqual Save Procedures===== 
-The first thing we are doing is formalizing an escalation path for each Rorqual save so that we can stop being so stupid. ​ For starters, THIS MEANS NO MORE YOLOING YOUR FUCKING CAPITALS AROUND ON ANYTHING THAT MOVES IN ESOTERIA. As the saying goes, “this is why we can’t have nice things”. 
-We already started out by not SRPing virtually any of the Supers and Titans that were lost in Eso a few weeks ago, and this trend will continue. ​ Let me be clear, there doesn’t have to be an official FC taking charge to generate SRP for a Rorqual save (though you should ping DDFC immediately),​ but you do need to follow the rules if you want SRP for anything, and that includes Rorqual saves now. 
-<WRAP center round tip 60%> 
-**Rorqual saves are really not that hard!** ​ These are the steps you need to be following every time a Rorqual gets tackled by a serious enough threat to warrant a save. 
-**Step 1:** Rorqual puts Cyno up immediately,​ and then panics and goes industry core red when needed. DO NOT WAIT TO CYNO AND MISS THE INHIBITOR GOING UP.  90% of our Rorqual losses are because you guys somehow let an inhibitor go up on you. Ping @DDFC in Discord as soon as possible. Report to ddfc what is tackling you and number of hostiles in local. ​ If you can use https://​​ 
-**Step 2:** Response fleet of Caps AND Subcaps is immediately called to join the standing fleet (MegaBhaalers w/ Bhaalgorns standard). ​ Bridge Titans need to be a pretty regularly thing on D-P keepstar near the subcap undock (MAKE SURE TO EXEMPT THEM FROM FLEET WARP) 
-**Step 3:** A Master Race Shield Fax squad is jumped in first to stabilize Rorquals after panic and buy time (2-3 MR Minos or Shield Rep Ninazus are standard) 
-**Step 4:** Once MR Faxes have stabilized the situation, then FC in charge makes the call to escalate as he or she sees fit.  NOBODY YOLOS. Even if the situation looks easily savable, it’s important to keep calling for more supers and caps and telling them to hold jump clones until needed. ​ You do not want to be pinging for more caps after the enemy dread bomb has dropped, and as long as people are holding their jump clones then it shouldn'​t be very disruptive. Always listen to the FC not a random in fleet 6. 
-**The key point here is that we do not jump in unnecessary shit to fight an enemy fleet**, we do not jump in Supers ever unless called for by an FC, and we use the MR Fax to buy us more time to get a proper response formed instead of rushing to drop a bunch of carriers and dreads before we know what we’re really up against. ​ Just to say it one more time, Supers and Titans are anti-capital weapons now mainly, do not fucking Yolo them. 
-> //text parts by Jon Hun// 
-=====Umbrella Status Explanation===== 
-The status of the umbrella depends on the current situation in Esoteria and the currently planned fleets. Below is explained how this status is composed. Even if the status is green or amber, you should always check Mumble if there is a Fleet Commander (unless you are one yourself) and enough ready PVP ships available ([[training:​eso_fleet#​fleet_composition|Read Fleet Composition]]).\\ ​ 
-**However, the Umbrella Status need to be set to <color #​ed1c24>​RED</​color>​ as soon one or more of the following applies**: 
-  - a High Command or Fleet Command order to set the Umbrella Status to red 
-  - Vily or Progod ping a flash/​rageform or similar, this carries the weight of a Stratop 
-  - a Stratop starts within the next 30 minutes or is already taking place 
-  - a larger fleet is planned and will make the maintenance of Umbrella impossible 
-  - "​much"​ hostiles or spikes are (or coming) in Esoteria and there is acute danger 
-**The Umbrella Status can be set to <color #​ffc90e>​**AMBER**</​color>​ as soon one or more of the following applies and no point in the upper list applies**: 
-  - there is no FC available/​online //(check at Mumble, Discord, Comms)// 
-  - it is unclear if a Bridge Titan is available in D-P //(may ask in Non-Military Comms & Fleet)// 
-  - it is unclear if enough PVP pilots & ships are available //(check fleet comp. & Non-Military Comms)// 
-  - there are generally too few pilots in the ESF //(check fleet comp. & Comms)// 
-  - there is an acute danger that could make the protection hard //​(Intel)// ​ 
-**The Umbrella Status can be set to <color #​22b14c>​**GREEN**</​color>​ as soon one or more of the following applies and no point in the upper list applies**: 
-  - there is one ore more FC available (not needed to be in fleet) in case of emergency 
-  - there is a Bridge Titan available in D-P 
-  - there are enough PVP pilots active! (check Comms & [[training:​eso_fleet#​fleet_composition|ESF Composition Wiki]]) 
-  - it's prime-time and there is a high amount of online pilots in the alliance 
-<WRAP center round tip 40%> 
-Please always try to fill in the current info in the Motd. Use a short info to describe the current status a bit! 
-=====Final Words===== 
-Basically, the goal here is to minimize ping fatigue from save fleets and all that, since we end up pinging saves for anything from 3 people to 300. We also want to provide a safe umbrella to rat and mine under, thus minimizing the number of losses. If something dies, we should be figuring out why. The less we feed, the less people come to Eso, the more we can build up our ore capability, which as you may have noticed from the war so far is pretty key. We've already seen great effects, with the amount of intel reports showing up being way less, and those that do show up being in interceptors or whatever. That is good news for gonzo. 
-((ESF = Esoteria Standing Fleet)) 
-((some text parts are from Cornak Firefist https://​​topic/​102175-eso-standing-wtf-is-it/​)) 
-((some text parts are from Jon Hun https://​​topic/​104877-esoteria-military-update/​)) 
training/eso_fleet.1560010048.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/08 16:07 by Panther_Seraphin