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Capital Ship Security and Safety

I've never even sat in a capital before lol. Someone else should write this page.

Preventative measures

Do these first to increase your chance of escaping BEFORE getting tackled:

  1. Pay attention to the TEST intel channel.
  2. Pay attention to non-combat anomalies. They may be wormholes, and you may be paid a visit by a roaming gang of bombers.
  3. The moment you get to your site, start pre-aligning to a safe location or structure so you can warp out at a moments notice.
  4. Have a cyno capable ship on standby in system

I've been tackled, what do I do?

Copied directly from forum post from 2017. Needs updating

Assumptions and preparations made

  1. You're system is within range of a titan bridge from our staging system. I.e. you are under supercap umbrella protection
  2. You have a cyno capable ship on standby in system or close by
  3. You're ratting in a capital or supercapital ship
  4. You are in the standing fleet


  1. Drop whatever fleet you were in and form a new one. Call it TACKLED SUPERCAP. Learn how to set the fleet permissions to allow alliance to join. Have a “full fleet” preset so you can create 5 full wings with one click. If you don't, create five wings and fill the squads.
  2. Spam this link in every channel you have. If you can ping, ping it to alliance. Get on mumble. Look for any FCs. Bounce around channels screaming for help. Tell people to ping if they can. Start with whatever channel has the most people. Go yell in the Bort, SUAD, and DroneV channels. Find someone with a FC tag. Don't waste time, just yell that you're a tackled super and OP1 in every channel you can, as fast as you can. If there's a FC in the channel wait a moment to see if he responds. Once you find a FC, or someone important who acknowledges that you are tackled and he's coming to help, go to fleet 1 and sit there. Key up every 15 seconds and say you're the tackled super. When a FC takes over pass him fleet boss, and communicate as much information as you can. Take a dscan of the enemy fleet and paste it in fleet. Take note of the enemy fleet composition and relay it verbally to the FC.
  3. During 1. and 2, watch for mobile cynosural inhibitors. Note the online timers, and make sure your cyno is lit in the NEW FLEET YOU CREATED before it goes down. If there's no inhibitor, you can light your cyno as soon as a FC has acknowledged that help is on the way.
  4. Don't waste time trying to fight the hostiles off. You're probably bubbled, and it probably won't work. Get help first, then pilot your ship. Prioritize providing information. Keep your cap up and hardeners on, but otherwise only attempt to fight back if you have done everything else on this list. You're on a clock, and every second you spend trying to solve the problem yourself makes it worse.
  5. Know where you are. Know where the closest cyno beacon is, and the closest jump bridge or route to D-P. If the FC asks a question like “how do we get there?”, know the answer. Be prepared to say something like “There's a beacon in the next system over, and a jump bridge 2 jumps away from _. Figure this out before you get tackled. Write it down if you're the type of person who gets nervous. If you know someone with a titan, tell him to undock and get ready to bridge.
  6. If you have a fax, undock it. Don't jump it in until the FC tells you to UNLESS YOU ARE SURE YOUR SUPER WILL DIE OTHERWISE.
  7. Strongly discourage your corpmates from yoloing in their titan/super/carrier/fax. Get a FC.
  8. Try and stay calm. Getting tackled in a super will get anyone's blood racing, but even if you die, you want to be the guy who did it all correctly.
  9. If you're in a rork, hold off on panicking until you run out of cap or shield.

Enemies on grid, what do?

Part of new procedure? Not sure where it fits in with old procedures

Post in #help-fc-im-tackled on the TEST alliance Discord channel the following:

<System you are in> <first three letters of the anom you are in OR asteroid belt> <your ship type> <link to dscan>

Here's an example:

t0d JKL Thanatos

Or you can go to the #help-fc-im-tackled channel right now and see old, but real examples of people pinging for help. Just try to give enough information so that a fleet which you are not in is able to navigate their way to you and land on grid next to you. Or better yet, be in the standing fleet already so that people can warp to you as a fleet member as long as they're in system.


training/capital_safety.1630305484.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/30 06:38 by 12321Yyh