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Markee Dragon


Markee Dragon is a popular EVE Timecode seller based in the US.

Why buy EVE Time Codes (ETCs/GTCs)?

ETCs give you a lot of flexability over a standard card payment subscription, they allow you to split them up into two PLEX and sell them on the in-game market for ISK, or you can sell the ETC and get ISK for the entire code.

ETCs are generally $5 more ($34.99) than a standard EVE subscription cost ($14.99).

For UK players, it can present a interesting way around the currency conversion problems. At the moment UK players pay for their EVE subscription in Euros and the exchange rate is generally less favourable to the US Dollar. Buying ETCs can mean you can pay for your time in USD and use a favourable currency market to your advantage. At the moment (2010/06/15) this can save you about £2.75 per month:

  • ETCs: $34.99 from Markee Dragon (60 Days)
  • Normal Sub: €14.95 direct (30 days)
  • GBP to EUR: 1.13
  • GBP to USD: 1.62
  • 34.99 U.S. dollars = 21.3731599 British pounds
  • 14.95 Euros = 13.1646937 British pounds

So, Direct is £13.16 per month whereas SC is £10.68 per month.

Buying ETCs

Please use the Dreddit affilate link for purchasing EVE Timecodes, this will give Dreddit a small percentage of the transaction that'll go towards hosting and corporate PLEX.

Buy ETCs (TEST Alliance Affilate link).

services/markee_dragon.1493427502.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/29 00:58 by NTchrist