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๐… ๐… We're off to see the Wizard!๐… ๐… 

๐… ๐… The wonderful wizard of Oz!๐… ๐… 

Yellow Brick Road: the wormhole SIG.

Have you ever dreamt of saving a fleet of two hundred people from being stranded on the other side of the map? How about finding a connection that lets us get to a keepstar timer and whore? be an Honourable Third Partyโ„ข? Do you spend a lot of time in wormholes, and want to be paid for every one of them you scan?

Then, Yellow Brick Road is for you.

The newest iteration of Test Alliance's wormhole division, Yellow Brick Road is designed to help us project our fleet beyond the global south we call home. As an alliance, we have had various wormhole scanning groups for a long time, but Yellow Brick Road has a stark difference: a salary; every single wormhole scanned for the alliance is an extra six million isk in your wallet. Every single ship you lose in the name of our lord, Bob, is replaced. And the respect and admiration of your peers is showered upon you every time one of Seddow's Goku fleets kill a Nyx through a wormhole you scanned down in Conflux.

playground/yellowbrickroad.1555812043.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/04/21 02:00 by OhLiver