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playground:standing_fleet_donya [2021/11/13 14:36]
LucariCellere [Fleet Setup Notes]
playground:standing_fleet_donya [2021/11/29 19:13] (current)
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 {{:​training:​wiki_esf_header.png?​nolink&​}} {{:​training:​wiki_esf_header.png?​nolink&​}}
-=== The Outer Passage ​Standing Fleet ===+=== WIP Standing Fleet ===
 Since the patch of 9 April 2019 we had to change the umbrella mechanics of the Standing Fleet. It is now clear that we have to take the whole thing more seriously. Therefore, read the wiki entry exactly to get up to date! Since the patch of 9 April 2019 we had to change the umbrella mechanics of the Standing Fleet. It is now clear that we have to take the whole thing more seriously. Therefore, read the wiki entry exactly to get up to date!
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 There are currently many different setups of Standing Fleets. To reduce this in the future, version numbers were introduced which are at the beginning of the MOTD. Therefore always try to have the most up-to-date setup saved. There are currently many different setups of Standing Fleets. To reduce this in the future, version numbers were introduced which are at the beginning of the MOTD. Therefore always try to have the most up-to-date setup saved.
-**Below are screenshots of how such a setup should look like**. However, since manual creation is quite a hassle, it would be better to copy the setup of an existing fleet. We created the Channel **<color #c8bfe7>ESF_SETUP</​color>​** ​ (Alliance Access) for that to share the setups. Just ask in the channel if someone can create a fleet with current setup and invites you. //Sometimes there are also SF Setup Template fleets which you can join to save the current version.//<​color #​7092be>​**last seen Version of the Setup: 6.1**</​color>​ <​sup>//​The following screenshot may differ from the current version!// ​ </​sup>​+**Below are screenshots of how such a setup should look like**. However, since manual creation is quite a hassle, it would be better to copy the setup of an existing fleet. We created the Channel **<color #c8bfe7>Outer Passage SF MOTD</​color>​** ​ (Alliance Access) for that to share the setups. Just ask in the channel if someone can create a fleet with current setup and invites you. //Sometimes there are also SF Setup Template fleets which you can join to save the current version.//<​color #​7092be>​**last seen Version of the Setup: 6.1**</​color>​ <​sup>//​The following screenshot may differ from the current version!// ​ </​sup>​
-It's possible to copy & paste the MOTD from below. <color #​ed1c24>​(This is outdated. Please refer to https://​​training:​local_defense_fleet#​fleet_setup_notes for an updated version)</​color>​.+It's possible to copy & paste the MOTD from below.
 The whole squads in the wings you can only enter manually if you do not want to import a setup __like told above__. Below an example list. But without formatting, the whole thing looks pretty ugly 8-) The whole squads in the wings you can only enter manually if you do not want to import a setup __like told above__. Below an example list. But without formatting, the whole thing looks pretty ugly 8-)
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-<font size="12" color="#​bfffffff"></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff000000">​.<​br></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ff007fff"><​b>​<​i>​OP ​STANDING FLEET <ESF> </​i></​font><​font size="​9"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​Version:​ 6.1 (09/19 by</​font><​font size="​9"​ color="#​ffd98d00"><​a href="​showinfo:​1385//​1113688463">​BT</​a></​font><​font size="​9"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​)<​br><​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​bfffffff"><​i>​You need to read and understand the</​b>​</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffe400"><​a href="​http://​​training:​eso_fleet">SF WIKI ENTRY</​a></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2"><​belse nobody can help you! Keep in Range of the SF Umbrella (</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffe400"​><loc><a href="​http://​​2B7l9BX">DOTLAN MAP</a></​loc></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">and listen ​to the</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff6868e1"><​a href="​joinChannel:​player_-81260614//​None//​None">​TEST Intel Channel</​a></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​. ​Systems ​<u>without Borders</uare <u>not</u> within the Umbrella Range.</​i><​br><​br></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ff00ffff">​Umbrella Status:<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffff0000">​RED</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">:</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​<i>no Umbrella Protection!</i><​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ff00">GREEN</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">:</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ff00"></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2"><​i>​protection should be fine!</​i><​br><​br>​</​font><​font size="14" color="#​ff00ffff">Umbrella Keywords:<​br>​</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">XXX</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffff0000"><​/font><font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff"​>:</​font><​font size="12" color="#​ffb2b2b2">I'm tackled<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​WWW</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">:</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​Hostile ​tackled<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​DDD</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ff00">​</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">:</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​NPC Dread Spawn<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​AAA</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ff00">​</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">:</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​abort request<br><​br><​i>​After you called for help follow the</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffe400"><a href="​http://​​training:​eso_fleet#​communication_notes">​SF Wiki Communication Notes</​a>​</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">and speak up on Mumble (</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ffff">Non Military Fleets> Fleet 6</font><font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2"​>).</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffff0000">​Please ​exit this Fleet</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​before you go AFK or leaving ​Outer Passage!</​i><​br>​<​br></​font><​font size="14" color="#​ff007fff">★★★ DO NOT FEED, USE A RECON SHIP WITH CYNO</b>​™<​b>​ ★★★</​b><​br><​br>​</​font><​font size="14" color="#​bfffffff">​Links:</​font><​font size="​14" color="#​ffffe400"><​a href="​http://​">Recon Ship Fits</​a></​font><​font size="14" color="#​bfffffff">,</​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ffffe400"><a href="​http://​​rorqualsrp">​Rorqual SRP Fits</​a>​<​br><​br></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​Active FC'​s:<​/font><font size="​14"​ color="#​ffffff00"​>Unknown<​br></​font><​font size="14" color="#​ffb2b2b2">​Titans Count:</​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ffffff00">Unknown<​br></​font><​font size="14" color="#​ffb2b2b2">Recons Count:</​font><​font size="14" color="#​ffffff00">Unknown<​br>​</​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">-------------------<​br>​Umbrella Status:</​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​bfffffff"></​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​ffff0000">​RED</​font>​+<font size="13" color="#​ff999999"></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ff007fff"><​b>​OUTER PASSAGE ​STANDING FLEET<​br><​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">Please make sure you have read and understood this </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffe400"><​a href="​http://​​training:​rorqualmining ​">Wiki Post</​a></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">!<br>Keep in range of the </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffe400"><​a href="​http://​​3BLUtmP">SF Outer Passage Umbrella (Dotlan)</​a></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff"> and pay attention ​to the </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff6868e1"><​a href="​joinChannel:​player_-81260614//​None//​None">​TEST Intel Channel</​a></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​. <br></font><font size="​12"​ color="#​ffff0000"​><i>Systems on Dotlan without Borders are not within the Umbrella Range!</​i><​br><​br></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ff007fff">​Umbrella Status:<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffff0000">​RED</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">:​ </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​No save ops. Please cycle red and dock up immediately!<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">YELLOW: ​</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">Krab at your own risk!<​br>​</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ff00ff00">​GREEN</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff"></​font><​font size="12" color="#​ffb2b2b2">Safe to krab with full FC support.</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff"> </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">Umbrella on standby!<br><br></​font><​font size="14" color="#​ff007fff">Umbrella Keywords:<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​XXX</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">:​ </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​I'​m ​tackled<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​WWW</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">:​ </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​Hostile tackled<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">​DDD</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">:​ </​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">​NPC Capital Spawn<​br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffff00">AAA</​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff"></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffb2b2b2">Abort request<br><br></​font><​font size="​12"​ color="#​ffffffff">​Please ​be in Outer Passage ​Standing Fleet on Mumble!<​br></​font><​font size="12" color="#​ffb2b2b2">If you are tackled use your Fleet/Shout key and provide as much information as possible. (</​font><​font size="12" color="#​ffffe400"><​a href="​http://​">D-Scan</​a></​font><​font size="12" color="#​ffb2b2b2">, ​cyno availability,​ siege timer, etc.)<​br><​br>​Please drop out of fleet if you are going AFK or leaving Outer Passage!<​br><​br>​</​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ff007fff">★★★ IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU HAVE A CYNO READY IN YOUR SYSTEM AT ALL TIMES ★★★<​br><​br></​font><​font size="​14"​ color="#​ffffffff">​Active FC'​s: ​X<br>Titans Count: X<br>Recons Count: X<​br></​font><​font size="18" color="#​ffffffff">________<br>Umbrella Status: ​</​font><​font size="18" color="#​ff00ff00">GREEN</​font><​font size="18" color="#​ffffffff"> ​</​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​ffffff00">YELLOW</​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​ffffffff"> ​/</​font><​font size="​18"​ color="#​ffff0000">​ RED</b></​font>​
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playground/standing_fleet_donya.1636814164.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/13 14:36 by LucariCellere