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This section of the wiki is being used to experiment with the include function and how it may be used to automatically populate doctrine (and possible other pages) with stub pages used to define ship fits.

The currently proposed structure will be as follows

Example of a “linkonly” list of all pages with the “fitting” tag


Example of a “linkonly” list of all pages with the “doctrine_summary” tag

Doc 1's groovy titleIt also has a groovy title

Tags will be used in the fits to define which doctrines the fit belongs to while the doctrine pages will contained formated layouts and structures to automatically determine which ships belong where.

Tags for each fit should include the following information

  • doctrine
  • doctrine name
  • ship fit name
  • ship category
playground/include_experiment/start.1546495845.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/03 06:10 by Sidoen