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Les Alliances de la Coalition Legacy

Membres Actuels

TEST Alliance Please Ignore [TEST]

Membre fondateur

Brave Collective [BRAVE]

Depuis Février 2017.

Requiem Eternal [REQ]

Membre fondateur

The Watchmen. [TW]

Depuis Août 2017.

Evictus. [IOU]

Depuis Septembre 2017.

Warped Intentions [W4RP]

Depuis Septembre 2017.

Rezeda Regnum [R-R]

Depuis Février 2018.

Federation Uprising [FEDUP]

Depuis Janvier 2019.

Déja Remplacé. [AARP.]

Depuis Septembre 2019.


Depuis Octobre 2019.

Siberian Squads [SB-SQ]

Depuis Février 2020.

Anciens Membres

Circle of Two [CO2]

Membre fondateur. A quitté la coalition le 24th Août 2017.

Who Dares Wins. [-SAS-]

Membre fondateur. A quitté la coalition en Août 2017.

Yulai Federation [YF]

Depuis Février 2018. A quitté la coalition en Août 2018.

Boogeyman. [ANGST]

Depuis Septembre 2017. A fusionné avec d'autres alliances de Legacy en Septembre 2018.

Dangerous Voltage [DV]

Membre fondateur. A quitté la coalition fin February 2019 pour rejoindre la coalition nouvellement créée Russian speaking Final Reunion (FI.RE).

Drone Walkers [WALKA]

Membre fondateur. A fermé et quitté la coalition en March 2019. La plupart des corps ont rejoint d'autres alliances de Legacy.

Tactical Supremacy [TIKLE]

Membre fondateur. A quitté la coalition en Novembre 2019.


Following the events of World War Bee, a loose group of blues settled in the northern parts of New Eden. These blues were made up by, among others, by TEST Alliance Please Ignore, Circle of Two, Drone Walkers and Requiem Eternal. No formal coalition existed and blue standings were primarily maintained as a matter of practicality. A short period of peace followed until one day when Northern Coalition and a number of their allies decided to invade Circle of Two's space. The Tribute War of 2016 is what followed. TEST and CO2 stood against the hordes of PanFam and the allies they managed to batphone to the war but ultimately, CO2s capital system and the Keepstar within fell.

With Tribute lost, TEST decided to move southwards. CO2, WALKA and REQ all followed.

Once south, these blues formed a temporary coalition with several other partners such as the Vanguard coalition, the Phoenix Federation coalition, Drone Region Federation, the alliances League of Master Aligned Pilots, Dangerous Voltage, Tactical Supremacy, Just Let it Happen and the mercenary alliance Mercenary Coalition. This coalition never had a official name but will be referred to here as the Stainfraggin' Coalition. The Stainfraggin' Coalition were formed for one purpose only - to evict the coalition Stainwagon from their homelands in the south and take their space. And so The Winter War of 2017 started.

Stainwagon and their allies in The Imperium found themselves on the losing side and The Winter War ended after a couple of months of fighting with the Stainfraggin' Coalition as the victors.

After the victory, the temporary mega-coalition Stainfraggin' Coalition dissolved and the blues that remained formed what was to be known as the Legacy Coalition. The space formerly occupied by Stainwagon was divided up between the founding members of Legacy.

Legacy space was made up by Paragon Soul, Esoteria (both owned by TEST), Impass (owned by CO2), Feythabolis (Shared by CO2 and the Drone Region Federation) and Catch. In 2017 the map looked as such: The Legacy held South.

Shortly after the founding of Legacy, Brave Collective settled into Catch after being harassed, per usual, by Pandemic Legion in their former home. BRAVE did this after being invited to join Legacy and would hopefully find a place to catch their breath and grow in strength.Further reading in the forum announcement.

Constant fighting occurred during the early days of Legacy, with sparring with neighboring Red Alliance, the remnants of Stainwagon being an annoyance as well and a deployment by Pandemic Legion that had to be dealt with.

Internal tensions occured as well within Legacy itself. CO2 and the other alliances were butting heads about diplomatic agreements and the direction of the coalition.

This culminated in August 2017 when the alliances of Legacy took a vote to eject CO2 from the coalition if CO2 could not be persuaded to find a workable compromise. All members of Legacy voted affirmative with the exception of BRAVE who abstained from voting. CO2 subsequently left the coalition. Further reading in the forum announcement.

fr/culture/legacy.1584987990.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/23 18:26 by aazzeveo