Table of Contents

Getting Set Up

The following information will help new members figure out what ships you need, when to use them, and how to get them to staging.

Getting Ships to Staging

Predds maintain a network of bridging ships to quickly move assets from Alliance staging to wherever Predds are currently living. We also have internal jump freighter shipping service named Urhi Inc, which can be found in the #logistics channel of Predditors Discord.

Additionally, Predditors staging citadels are stocked with doctrine ships on contract and often have a cache of modules and consumables which can be accessed by asking a member of the Incognito Mode (.VPN.) corporation (the Predditors holding corp).

Primary Doctrines

Many members of Predds will hang out in the standing fleet and on comms at all times, which gives the SIG the ability to rapidly respond to targets. The most common types of Predds fleets are:

At a minimum, all Predds members should have the following in the SIG staging:

The Predditors staging citadel is often stocked with common doctrines on contract.

Additional ships that are useful (but not required) include:

We understand that it may take some time to train into these doctrines and/or get the required ships moved to staging.

Start with Torp and Bombing Bombers > Arty Loki » Cerberus »> Retribution »»» Other.

Special Doctrines


Combat BLOPS Rules

  1. It is the Predds member responsibility to tell the FC that they want to bring a combat blops

  2. It is up to the Predds FC's discretion whether combat blops will be used or not

  3. Predds FC's word is law

  4. There is no SRP for combat blops

  5. If combat blops feed in an active theatre of war there will be a reckoning

No Goku Bombers

Goku fleets are great, but Predds do not fly Goku bombers. Don't be that guy, bring a cloak. Check fits in the ingame channel #Predds_Dank_Fits before undocking.

How Do You Make ISK?

Usually on alts.

Predds members have come up with a number of good money making schemes to adjust for having their combat characters forward deployed in enemy territory. They often have several accounts dedicated to special purposes, which may or may not also be acting as skill farms to reduce or negate maintenance costs. The alts orbit rocks or rock havens and make dank ticks in the background while the Predds fleet is hotdropping. Some of the more common methods of making money are:

This aspect of the transition to Predds lifestyle can be particularly difficult for new members, and sometimes results in an awkward period of trying to split time between fighting in fleets and making money. Stick with it, rely on fellow members for help and advice, and take the time to get a remote scheme set up. Doing so will give you an incredible amount of freedom to strike anywhere in Eve without impacting your bottom line.

Useful Skills to Train

The following skills are not required but training them will allow new members to participate in more fleets and make life in Predds a lot easier.