Table of Contents

Goblins of Boom


Welcome to the Goblins of Boom recruitment page!

Read all of this shit before applying or be rejected.

(Current members go here)

What We Do

We practice smallgang actively with training sessions, wormhole roams and daily fights against all commers into Esoteria.

- Practice involves Manual piloting, feathering, understanding how transversal is everything, learning the small gang archetypes and how to use them.

- Roaming ususally means forming with Jita, jumping into a wormhole and visiting content rich areas, especially china.

- Eso home defense means actually using sub caps in Esoteria to practice getting good at killing hunters, which in turn teaches us what to look out for when roaming.


How to Apply

Apply with a character who fits the requirements (interceptor at the moment). You will need to go to Auth and request to join 'Goblins of Boom'

Recruitment is open to any member of TEST and does not require you to change your corporation.

Once Accepted

Great you got accepted now go into TEST discord in #botcommands and do !auth or you can simply click this link Discord Login If your channels and Discord Servers do not update you may need to update access button inside Auth Profile

Goblin Map (links to goblin resources)

Who can i contact about Goblins