Table of Contents

Unusual Standings Regarding TTT and Your Overview


The largest null security blocs have collectively decided that fighting in high sec sucks. It's all the tidi of a huge nullsec battle without putting much of real value (capitals, supers, and titans) at risk. However, the TTT is real value, and if we didn't come to a profit sharing agreement, we'd essentially be forced to do long, unfun fights. It's good for all of nullsec that the money that comes from TTT is split and going towards our actually interesting fights than having it go to some dude's personal wallet or not having it balanced between the null blocs.

Snuff has recently decided they want to screw with this. This shouldn't be much of a threat, but it is something we have to respond to. High sec mechanics require explicit war declarations, and these mechanics can affect how people, specifically Goons, show on your overview.


If you don't manage these changes, Goons in Delve may show as blue on your overview or not show at all. This must be fixed for nullsec, and if we end up having a big fight in high sec you'll have to undo these changes to have goons temporarily show as blue.


There are three things to change that are all in your Overview Settings.