Table of Contents

Supercapitals WIP

This guide assumes you already have experience flying capitals and are familiar with the information in Capitals.

You need to join the shield supercapitals group or armor supercapitals group before flying in fleets. Joining the group gives access to supercapitals discord chat, forum and pings; as well as capital SRP.

General information

Everything in the general section of Capitals is extra true of supercapitals. You are now a bigger, more expensive and attractive target. Be careful, follow the rules with extra care.

Your fleet hangar and SMA are much larger and your jump range at JDC5 is 6 ly instead of 7.


Supercarriers can use light fighters, space superiority, LR fibos and SR fibos (no support fighters).



The doomsdays are powerful Titan-only weapons. Every titan pilot should be familiar with how they work and their side-effects.

Doomsday: Does 1.5m damage at max skills to a single, capital target. Has a spool up, then applies full damage to your selected target.

Lance: Like the doomsday but instead of a single target applies an AOE beam with a 200km length and x radius

Boson: Like the lance but fires in a cone with 30km length

Reaper: This is a piece of shit so we don't talk about it

GTFO: This is a bit like a MJFG, ever

The lance, boson and GTFO are aimed using the mechanics shown in the following video

How to bridge and best practices