Table of Contents

Tactical Capsuleer Recloner


This is a tutorial for how to use the Tactical Capsuleer Recloner, a module for rapid redeployment of forces lost during the battle.

This is sectioned for the following people

  1. Fleet Commander (coordinating)
  2. The Super Pilot
  3. Other fleet members using the the Tactical Capsuleer Recloner

Fleet Commanders

Fleet commanders wanting to use this need to have

  1. The Recloning Super in position in the system where they expect pod losses
  2. The number of pilots and number of reclones are endless. However the Recloning Super needs to have 10 Racial Fuel Blocks per respawn.
    1. There is no fuel usage if there is no recloning happening.
  3. Your pilots will need the Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper drug consumed.

Recloning Super (pilot)

As of 06.12.2021

  1. Need to have the module onlined and fitted.
    1. Need to have Cloning Facility Operation 3
  2. Need to carry 10 Racial Fuel Blocks per respawn
    1. Need to be stored in cargo hold or fleet hangar
    2. This is not used if the cloner is not used
  3. When you activate the module you can turn it on/off at will
  4. You will not
    1. lose tether.
    2. get a weapons timer
    3. get a safe capsuleer log off timer
  5. You need to be in a fleet for it to be used properly
    1. As long as the module is active people in your fleet can respawn on you.
  6. It would be nice if you had fit ships to use :)

Recloning Pilots

Rules for use:

  1. You must be in the same fleet as the Recloning Super
  2. You must be in the same system as the Recloning Super when you die
  3. Needs the Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper drug
    1. This will have a 6-12 hour expiry.
      1. It is not affected by time dilation
      2. It will not be cut short by recloning
      3. It will not be cut short if you get death cloned back to station

Steps for use

  1. You must take the Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper
    1. Requires Science 1 (Can get from Test Free!)
  2. Join fleet containing Recloning Super
    1. You are possibly in battle already with the Super on field
    2. This is the FC's responsibility
    3. Die in the same system as active Recloning Super
    4. You will be given the option to respawn at the super in system
    5. You will reappear at ~2000-2500 m from the Recloning Super, you can grab a ship from the ship maintenance bay and get back into battle! Make sure to check if it is clear to warp to fc.