Table of Contents



This article intends to share with you how to reduce lag while playing eve. While lag still does raise its ugly head from time to time, CCP did an excellent job over the Summer/Winter of 2011 in decreasing lag. Hopefully this page won't be nearly as useful to you as it might have been in the past.

Dealing with Lag

The first thing you are required to do is determine the source of your lag.Lag in large fleets is generally Server Lag, which is to say lag generated on the server end. This will often manifest as failing to load grid when jumping or warping, and modules doing a single active cycle and then doing their off cycle repeatedly.Another type of lag is client lag. This is as a result of your computer being too slow to process the multiple moving objects. Usually occurs on older computers, computers with low memory, or computers with slow graphics cards.Lastly there is connection lag. This is lag as a result of a slow internet connection.

Connection Lag

This type of lag can occur at any time for those with slow connections to the internet. Large fleets should have absolutely no bearing on the generation of this lag although it will still make them more difficult to handle. Luckily this is the simplest type of lag to deal with. If you are streaming music stop it. If you are running through a wireless router ensure that no one else is freeloading on your connection. If you are running gnutella, bittorrent, or any other downloading program turn it off. Ensure your anti-virus isn't updating its database. Basically keep turning off things which download volumes of data from the web until you don't have any issues. If the issues persist then you are pretty much out of luck and should try and find a service provider which doesn't suck – or if you're living in the frozen Canadian arctic or other remote area just learn to cope with it.

Client Lag

This type of lag occurs when running a lower end system or when dealing with many objects in space. Large fleets will, to a certain extent, have a bearing upon this.

Server Lag

This is the most dreaded type of lag, since we have absolutely no way of dealing with it at our end. The best we can hope for is to mitigate its effects.

Fleet Mechanics

Lag, as bad as it is, can also prove beneficial. Assuming you have an intelligent and switched on FC. As Atlas/GC/CoW showed in the Geminate campaign of Christmas 2009 a smaller/weaker opponent can often win fights in this broken version of EVE by simply having a better position. As it takes so long to load grid often times the defending force (those already positioned) will likely have a huge advantage over those who are jumping into their position (via warp, cyno, star gate, whatever). The reason is the people who got there first already had a chance for their clients to load grid. The people who are jumping in are vulnerable until they manage to load grid and actually get some feedback from their clients. Often times this might even take so long that you will be dead before you manage to load grid. This can happen even at a star gate as often it will take longer for you to load grid than your cloak from jumping through will last. THERE IS NO SOLUTION TO THIS. Don't bug your FC about engaging entrenched enemies in Large Fleets (it's still okay in small gangs or even small fleets vs other small fleets) as it's pretty much paramount to committing suicide. If you jump into the enemy fleet, especially on an un-reinforced node, you will die. Simple as that.