Making Dotlan Format

Keeping more than one list is a Bad Idea. Once you get the hang of this it'll only take a couple minutes to convert this list to Dotlan format.

  1. Select all text in the jump gate list, copy and paste into an advanced text editor VS Code or Sublime Text are both good. This guide will use Sublime Text.
  2. Delete any blank lines at the start or end.
  3. Ctrl + Shift + L (put a cursor at the start of each line)
  4. Use Ctrl and/or Shift plus left and right arrow keys to manipulate all lines at once into Dotlan format. Ctrl moves one whole segment at a time. Holding shift highlights. If you have issues with this, see the video on updating the JB list.
  5. Add 1-1 to each bridge for planet and moon.
  6. Import into Dotlan. Dotlan will reject some lines where 1-1 is not a valid planet/moon.
  7. Update the invalid planet/moon systems to 2-1. Repeat until Dotlan takes it.
  8. Let Wollari know that jump bridges no longer use planets and moons.