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Mottled, dark red, and shaped like a leech, the Cruor presents a fitting metaphor for the Blood Raiders' philosophy. Designed almost solely to engage in their disturbingly effective tactic of energy draining and stasis webbing, this ship is a cornerstone in any effective Blood Raider fleet - and could play an intriguing role in more standard ones.

Helpful Information

The cruor shares a number of similarities with the daredevil - it has the same web strength bonus, a similar slot layout (4/3/3 instead of 3/3/4) and 2 turrets. Where the daredevil gets a fixed 200% damage bonus however, the cruor only gets a 100% bonus, resulting in fairly mediocre dps for a faction frigate. What it does have however is much more flexible range, thanks to pulse lasers and scorch - this lets the cruor take advantage of its range-dictation abilities in a way that the daredevil cannot. It also receives a bonus to neut transfer amount (note that it is only transfer amount, not range like the sentinel or curse) - combined with 2 spare high slots, this makes the cruor excellent for cap-warfare.

Fitting a web on the cruor is pretty much mandatory due to the effectiveness of its bonus, and that means the cruor will almost always be armor tanked. This ship is actually quite generous in terms of powergrid, so a light to moderate buffer or combined buffer and rep fits quite easily.

As a primarily amarr-based ship, the cruor is fairly sluggish compared to the daredevil. Providing you're able to remain outside of web range, you'll probably find evading or controlling range against the cruor to be fairly easy, especially if its afterburner fit. Given the range of its webs and neuts, cruors are likely to be set up for fairly close range; that said, kiting cruors with optimal of up to around 15km are not un-heard-of.

While the range of the cruor's neuts/nos is only about 6km, the strength bonus makes them particularly dangerous. If the cruor is able to web you, expect to be neuted in short order. Not only will this quickly turn off any active tank, but if you don't have a nos or cap booster of your own you may find guns and tackle turning off too! Capless weapons (i.e. projectiles, drones, or missiles) will prove invaluable when fighting a cruor, as will some method of replenishing your cap, however slight.

Due to the fairly average tank and gank of the cruor, a strong combat ship with capless weapons will probably succeed in driving it off (although since your tackle will likely be disabled once you cap out, actually killing the cruor may remain elusive). Well timed nos cycles to keep tackle running will make a big difference. Explosive and kinetic damage are generally most effective (which is convenient since capless weapons most often use these damage types). Remember that the cruor is very cap-dependent itself, especially if active tanked. While you will almost definitely cap out before it will, in a prolonged fight you may find the cruor's neuting power is reduced (or with poor piloting, it may cap itself out completely). On this note, a well-timed burst of medium neut from a cruiser has the potential to really tip the fight in your favor.



Minmatar Frigate Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):

Amarr Frigate Skill Bonuses (Per Skill Level):

Role Bonus:

Energy Nosferatu fitted to this ship will drain targeted ship's capacitor regardless of your own capacitor level


Non Reimbursable Fits

[Cruor, Armor Fleet]
Small Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II

Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive

Explosive Coating II
200mm Steel Plates II
Multispectrum Coating II
Damage Control II

Small Energy Burst Aerator I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I

Acolyte II x1

Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x1
[Cruor, DualRep Brawler]
Small Energy Nosferatu II
Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II

Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive

Small Armor Repairer II
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
Multispectrum Coating II
Damage Control II

Small Energy Burst Aerator I
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I

Acolyte II x1

Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x1
Nanite Repair Paste x1